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Core Competency #5: Clinical Assessment

Video: Core Competency #5: Clinical Assessment

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Dr. Garey Noritz, MD

This session will focus on the practical application of Core Competency #4, Team and System-Based Practice, addressing many of the barriers to team-based care, including issues around billing, coding, referring, and coordinating care.

Learning Objectives

After completing this training, attendees will:

  • Recognize that the patient with disabilities should be the primary source of information regarding their care, but the caregiver(s) can be helpful to inform or enhance assessments and interventions
  • Construct a framework for evaluating patients who cannot give a complete history
  • Summarize key clinical features of common syndromes
  • Recognize and defend against "diagnostic overshadowing"

This event will be offered in English with ASL interpretation and live transcription.