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Know More Do More: Supporting Family Interactions

April is Autism Acceptance Month

At OCALI, we believe that families are an important asset in the equation of ensuring people with disabilities have the opportunity to live their best lives for their whole lives. Empowering families with knowledge, information, and resources to support the whole family, including the person with a disability, is important.

As we continue to celebrate Autism Acceptance Month, this week, we are featuring resources from our Lending Library that support family interactions. This collection has been prepared by the Family and Community Outreach Center at OCALI.

This week's featured items from Family Center and Lending Library

Visual Strategies for Improving Communication: Practical Supports for Autism Spectrum Disorders
by Hodgdon, Linda

Learn more about the use of visual strategies to improve communication for students with autism and other students who experience moderate to severe communication challenges.

Visual Strategies for Improving Communication Book Cover

Book: A Picture's Worth: Pecs and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism
by Bondy, Andrew

This user-friendly guide introduces PECS, a simple and empowering communication tool in which partners exchange cards with photos or line drawings representing objects, attributes, and actions. A great resource for parents and therapists.

A Pictures Worth Pecs and Other Visual Communication Strategies in Autism Book Cover

Book: Activity Schedules for Children with Autism, Second Edition: Teaching Independent Behavior
by McClannahan, L. E. & Krantz, P. J.

Designed for parents and service providers on how to help children and adults successfully engage in self-directed and purposeful activities. Detailed instructions and examples help parents prepare their child's first schedule, then progress to more sophisticated schedules, leading to greater independence.

Activity Schedules for Children with Autism Book Cover

Book: Visual Recipes: A Cookbook for Non-Readers
by Orth, Tabitha

This picture-based cookbook, written for individuals with autism spectrum disorders and other developmental disorders, will foster independence and confidence for anyone in the kitchen.

Visual Recipes A Cookbook for Non Readers Book Cover

Book: Super Silly Sayings That Are Over Your Head: A Children's Illustrated Book of Idioms
by Snodgrass, Catherine

An exceptional tool for visual learners that depicts the literal and actual meanings of commonly used idioms in an ingenious manner that is sure to capture the attention of children and adults. Great for creative teachers and caregivers.

Super Silly Sayings That Are over Your Head Book Cover
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