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Know More Do More: Supporting Independence

Supporting Independence from Adolescence to Adulthood

The transition from school-age to adult life is complex and there are typically multiple systems and providers involved, which can be difficult to navigate. Supporting the planning of the transition process and bringing the right people together are critical steps.

As we close this year's celebration of Autism Acceptance Month, this week, we are featuring resources from our Lending Library on supporting the independence of people with disabilities from adolescence to adulthood. This collection has been prepared by the Lifespan Transitions Center at OCALI.

This week's featured items from LTC and Lending Library

Book: Person-Centered Planning with Maps and Path
by O'Brien and Pearpoint

PATH is a creative planning tool and draws on people's capacities to imagine different futures and to think backwards from a future possibility and how that possibility might come to be.

Person-Centered Planning with Maps and Path Book Cover

Book: Intimate Relationships and Sexual Health
by Davies, Catherine

This comprehensive and well-researched curriculum fills a long-felt need in the autism community - a frank, up-to-date resource on sexuality tailored to the unique characteristics of high-functioning adolescents and adults on the spectrum. The accompanying CD contains handouts for easy duplication and individualization.

Intimate Relationships and Sexual Health Book Cover

Patron iPad

This iPad can be checked out of the library with the selected suite of pre-loaded apps. The Life Skills/Transition Apps Suite offers the adolescent or adult the opportunity for greater independence in many adult life activities.

A Black iPad

Book: Autism & the Transition to Adulthood: Success Beyond the Classroom
by Wehman, Paul

Discover hard-to-find information on how specific social, behavioral, and cognitive characteristics of people with autism affect the transition to adulthood, exploring potential challenges and traits that can be powerful assets. A must read for every member of the transition team. This is the ultimate resource for supporting the goals, dreams, and future success of young adults with autism.

Autism and the Transition to Adulthood Success Beyond the Classroom Book Cover

Book: Different...Not Less: Inspiring Stories of Achievement and Successful Employment from Adults with Autism, Asperger's and ADHD
by Grandin, Temple

In these pages, Temple presents the personal success stories of fourteen unique individuals that illustrate the extraordinary potential of those on the autism spectrum. One of Temple's primary missions is to help people with autism, Asperger's Syndrome, and ADHD tap into their hidden abilities. Temple chose these contributors from a wide variety of different skill sets to show how it can be done. Each individual tells their own story in their own words about their lives, relationships, and eventual careers. The contributors also share how they dealt with issues they confronted while growing up, such as bullying, making eye contact, and honing social skills.

Different Not Less Book Cover
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