Accessible Voting
Make your voice heard this election season.
If you have a disability or need accommodations for voting, learn from fellow Ohioans about the options for access.
Video: Disability Voting Rights
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OCALI Voter Guide
September 20, 2024
Military & Oversees Absentee Voting Begins
October 7, 2024
Deadline to Register
October 8, 2024
Absentee Voting by Mail Begins
Early In-Person Voting Begins
November 5, 2024
Election Day
Polls Open 6:30 am - 7:30 pm
What is an election?
An election is when people vote.
We vote to see who will be in charge or what laws will be made.

- Voting is a way to make decisions.
- Voting lets us have a say in what laws are made and what people are in charge.
- Voting is a right.
We vote using a ballot. Sometimes a ballot is a piece of paper. Sometimes a ballot is on a computer screen. The ballot lists people or laws we're voting on.
What are the different types of elections?
Ohio has different types of elections.

- Primary elections happen in May. People vote on things like who should try to be in charge.
- General elections happen in November. People vote on things like who should be Governor or President or what laws should pass.
- Special elections can happen in May, August, or November. In special elections we usually vote on one or two important things.
When is Ohio's next general election?
Ohio's next special election is on November 5, 2024.
What are we voting on?
We are voting on President/Vice President, members of congress, local officials, and Issue 1. Issue 1 is about voting districts.

- Voting districts are the geographical areas in Ohio.
- We use maps to identify districts.
- Each district has elected officials who represent them.
- These maps must be fair and nonpartisan.
Where can I learn more about voting and elections?
Voting in Ohio
- Ohio Secretary of State's resources for Voters with Disabilities
- Disability Rights Ohio Voting and New Voter ID Requirements
Other Voting Resources
- Autistic Self Advocacy Network Your Vote Counts: A Self-Advocates Guide to Voting in the US - Easy Read and Plain Language Versions available
- Vote for Access with Imani Barbarin - videos with ASL interpreter, visual descriptions, and closed captions
- Tuesday's with Liz Voting videos from the Association of University Centers on Disability
- REV UP! Register, Educate, Vote, Use Your Power!