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Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities- College2Careers Program

Video: Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities- College2Careers Program

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Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) is the state agency that helps individuals with disabilities find work and gain independence. One of our divisions, The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation, provides individuals with disabilities services and supports necessary to help them attain and maintain employment. In this video you will learn about the OOD, Vocational Rehabilitation, and the Ohio College2Careers program, which is partnership between OOD and 17 colleges and universities in Ohio to ensure college students with disabilities in Ohio have the supports and services they need to achieve their career goals.

Active Links:

  1. Ohio College2Careers Webpage
  2. Ohio College2Careers Career Development Toolkit
  3. Email Us at
  4. The Bureau of Vocational Rehabilitation

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