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Access + Belonging = Community









A Simple Equation ... Applied with Everything We Do

A stands for Access. Access is about creating a common experience. Can everyone find it and navigate to it? Does everyone know about it? Can they physically be in the space (if applicable)? Do they have the logistical things they need to be engaged?

B stands for Belonging. This is about creating an atmosphere where everyone feels welcome. Is the environment comfortable and designed to support engagement for all? Can everyone participate completely and meaningfully? Do they have what they need to be part of the action?

When you put them together - Access - physically being able to be part of something - and Belonging - ensuring there is a feeling that you are part of something - you get REAL community.

The concept of A+B=C isn't about prescribing what a community has to do, and it can be uncomfortable and, at times, difficult. However, through conversations we can share ideas to help us discover the unique needs of each group of people - whether it's a sports team, a faith community, a municipality, a business group, a school system. Then, together, we can determine how to meet those needs so that everyone is part of their community.

A+B=C is a simple concept, but we only have true community when we put the entire equation together!

A+B=C IS OCALI's work.

The concepts of Access and Belonging are central to everything we do at OCALI. They are threaded through our professional development activities, our material creation and distribution, and the hundreds of other initiatives we oversee and participate in. All that we do fosters community by promoting access and belonging.

A Simple Equation … Advanced through Conversations

OCALICON is and continues to be a place to come together to teach, learn, share, listen, plan, and participate. It is a community enhancing access to resources, tools, trainings, and conversations. In 2022, the concept of Access + Belonging = Community formed through the many conversations fostering a sense of belonging and desire to create a space for all to join together to share ideas, feel a sense of purpose, and be part of the conversation. From OCALICONLINE2022 opening remarks, Shawn Henry, OCALI’s Executive Director, shares how the simple equation, A+B=C, begins with conversations.

Video: Shawn's A+B=C Speech

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"The time to share and connect was valuable. I have grown as a person due to this event."

"[We need] more events like today to connect with the community and like-minded groups and individuals."

Through conversations, we can learn and discover ways to enhance A+B=C. It is through these opportunities to dialogue and connect with others that we can bring ideas to fruition. Taking part in The Big Table, a day dedicated to community-wide conversations, OCALI gathered community organizations and professionals around the table to network, share ideas, and learn more about current and emerging efforts to create meaningful, accessible opportunities for people with disabilities and their families within their communities. The conversation began with three simple questions:

  • What does community mean?
  • What can the community experience look like when access and belonging are considered?
  • How can the experience change if the equation 'access plus belonging equals community' is a priority when thinking about and creating meaningful, accessible opportunities for ALL members of a community?

A Simple Equation ... Attained with Best Practices