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Hearing Assistive Technology (HAT) Loan Procedure

Purpose: To give educators, therapists and parents access to Hearing Assistive Technology which may be used in conjunction with the student's hearing aid or cochlear implant. Additionally, systems are available that can be used without a hearing aid or cochlear implant for students with mild hearing loss or auditory processing disorders. Systems can be used for the purpose of formal evaluation of students, diagnostic trials, or in-service. All school districts must secure the services of a licensed audiologist to dispense and monitor the HAT devices.

Loan Guidelines for HAT

  • Apply for a library account.
  • HAT will be loaned to the district only after a verified Educational Audiologist is employed to dispense, monitor and provide an in-service for the equipment. The Educational Audiologist must verify the case contents prior to return.
  • HAT will be loaned to the person responsible for the HAT system and for each item loaned.
  • HAT may be used only when the evaluation, diagnostic trial or consultation session is provided at no cost to parents, school district or SST.
  • HAT can be borrowed for 15 weeks.
  • HAT systems are available on a first-come, first-served basis. Systems are reserved online here.
  • HAT systems will not be available for loans between June 1 and September 1 for summer service procedures and purposes.