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Multi Agency Collaboration to Support Positive Outcomes for Transition Age Youth

Video: Multi Agency Collaboration to Support Positive Outcomes for Transition Age Youth

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Ohio Agency Navigation Tool

This tool is intended to assist youth and their transition teams to navigate and explore agency partners. This multi-agency overview provides the team a place to start and a way to understand and organize information as they explore the possible roles of agencies during and after the transition years.

Effective Predictors for Adult Success

Multi-agency collaboration has been identified as an Effective Predictor. Effective Predictors are activities, services and supports that occur during the school years that have been identified through research as being associated with higher rates of success as youth enter adulthood.

A Guide to Developing Collaborative School-Community Business Partnerships

This Guide from National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) presents approaches and considerations for the development and implementation of broadly inclusive partnerships of school, community and business partnerships.

Community Investment in Transition Youth with Disabilities Tool

The Community Investment in Transition Youth with Disabilities Tool is a self-assessment tool that will guide agencies and schools to explore their readiness and capacity to serve the transition needs of youth in community employment. The tool assists in the identification of areas for improvement and supports the development of a plan for improvement.

Secondary Transition for Students with Disabilities Modules: Interagency Collaboration

Ohio Department of Education developed five modules based on the Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0. These modules provide effective practices to improve transition outcomes for youth with disabilities. One of the five modules focuses specifically on Interagency Collaboration.

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