Center for the Young Child
Promoting a Strong Start and Charting a Positive Course for Young Children with Disabilities
The Center for the Young Child (CYC) is dedicated to giving children with disabilities the best possible start in life because early experiences impact lifelong outcomes.
We do this by informing policy, creating and sharing resources, and providing training and technical assistance so that young children (0-8) with disabilities have the foundation they need for a lifetime of learning, growth, and opportunities in their community.
Human development is shaped by a dynamic continuous interaction between biology and experience.
Early experiences that consist of healthy relationships and effective interventions influence lifelong outcomes. It is time to ensure that early childhood science, policy, and practice are integrated so that all young children can live their best lives for their entire lives.
OCALI’s Center for the Young Child
Education Station
This is a “one-stop-shop“ for early childhood professional learning in Ohio. You are going to find pertinent resources and training for all early childhood sectors here.
Be sure to keep coming back as the resources grow.

Learn more about how the Ohio PROMISE initiative impacts early care and education providers, families, and the public.
Find resources related to OhioPROMISE and tailored to the needs of families.

A Whole Child Perspective
Early biological, psychological and social-emotional development are critical elements of lifelong health and wellbeing. The Center for the Young Child (CYC) grounds its work in the latest brain science, policy, and research, representing the perspective of young children and their families when programs are being developed and deployed by the myriad of providers and systems supporting early childhood care and education.

Partnerships are Key to Success
Effective partnerships are critical to meet the demands of diverse and complex issues, challenges, and opportunities that face Ohio’s families and young children. The CYC is an active collaborator with local, state, and national organizations and associations, bridging gaps and fostering cooperation to create and deploy high quality, state-of-the-art solutions for families and professionals who care for and educate young children. The CYC is proud to partner with organizations across Ohio and around the country to support:
- Screening and diagnoses,
- Early intervention,
- Improving the quality of early care and education, and
- Supporting successful transitions.

Bringing Research to Practice
The CYC brings its whole child perspective and unique partnerships together with innovative thinking to help transform early childhood policy, research, and practice. From helping to ensure young children with disabilities are considered when policy is crafted to connecting providers and professionals to new ideas and concepts, the center’s work links research to real life.