Inclusive Practices That Support Learners With Complex Needs
Video: Inclusive Practices That Support Learners With Complex Needs
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Are Individual Education Programs (IEPs) driving the changes that we want for our learners who are eligible for special education? Or have they become a boilerplate document that teams complete, but don't use to full capacity within the classroom? The intent of the federal law IDEA is "ensuring equality of opportunity, full participation, independent living, and economic self-sufficiency for individuals with disabilities.'
Click the magnifying glass icon in the upper right corner of the video to access the video bookmarks listed below.
- 03:20 - Ohio's Strategic Plan
- 04:45 - I can statements
- 05:05 - Discussion starts
- 05:47 - First poll
- 06:22 - Discussion
- 08:10 - Discussion "All Means All'
- 18:16 - Possible part II webinar
- 19:33 - Second Poll
- 20:15 - Shared document discussion
- 23:33 - Shared resources
- 25:27 - Questions
- 27:09 - #UDLchat on Twitter