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Girls and Women on the Autism Spectrum


ASD is not a Boys Club: Identifying and Serving Females with ASD by Ruth Aspy, PhD and Barry Gross, PhD

There are more males than females with ASD; however the imbalance may be exaggerated. The description of ASD, and consequently the tools used to identify ASD, are based on what ASD looks like in males. As a result, females with ASD are often not referred or are misidentified - they fall through the cracks. Unidentified/misidentified, and poorly served, their path is a difficult one. One disorder may cascade into others, such as anxiety and depression. This webinar will provide strategies and solutions for better identifying and serving females with ASD.

Access this webinar for free during the month of April using the coupon below.
Free coupon code: SUPPORTASD2016

Other webinars available through Dr. Aspy and Dr. Grossman include:

Masked and Misunderstood: High Functioning Individuals with ASD

The strengths of those with high functioning ASD are often so apparent that it is difficult to see their challenges. This is a burden for many bright individuals with ASD who are confronted with statements such as, "He can do if he tries" or "She may have ASD but she does not need any services." Unfortunately, these views are not uncommon and highlight that the significant needs of these individuals may be hidden at first glance. To add to the picture, failure to identify and support individuals with high functioning ASD often results in the emergence of behavioral and/or emotional concerns. Often, these individuals are identified for these concerns rather than their underlying ASD. Seeing the underlying needs is the first step in addressing them. This webinar will provide solutions and strategies for better identifying and serving high functioning individuals with ASD. The impact of the DSM-5 of identification of ASD across the spectrum will be discussed.
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