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#HereToHelp Resources for Professionals

General Resources for Remote Learning

The COVID-19 pandemic has forced educators to quickly move from face-to-race instruction to remote learning environments. For students with disabilities, there may be barriers to accessing learning content in this remote environment. We have curated resources from various sources that are designed to help educators create accessible learning environments to ensure that they are able meet the unique learning needs of every student in their classroom.

Teaching Special Education Online During COVID-19 (CEC) The Council for Exceptional Children offers this webinar, delivered by veteran online instructors, who share strategies for adapting lessons to this new format. Learn simple, impactful tips, as well as resources and tools that are available.
FERPA & Virtual Learning Webinar and other Resources The Student Privacy Policy Office (SPPO) has created a webinar and other resources in response to the questions received about FERPA and distance learning.
Online Learning Strategies for Students with Disabilities The DO-IT Center has compiled advice from students with disabilities who share their experiences about transitioning to online learning.
Moving to Online/Home Instruction The Teaching Diverse Learners Center at OCALI offers this Q&A document around transitioning to home-based, online learning.
Member Brief - Video Conferencing The Consortium for School Networking (CoSN) explores privacy considerations for video conferencing tools in the age of remote learning.
ODE: Remote Learning Resource Guide The Ohio Department of Education (ODE) has compiled a list of remote learning resources to support educators.
Taking Control of Your Data Privacy Check out this TED Talk on data privacy by Linnette Attai.
Joint Guidance on the Application of the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) and the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) This guidance document offers information on the application of FERPA and HIPAA to student health records.
FERPA and Virtual Learning This technical assistance list identifies resources that may be helpful around virtual learning.
eLearning SETDA The State Education Technology Directors Association (SETDA) has curated resources to support elearning.
eLearning SETDA Accessibility Resources SETDA shares resources to support students with IEPs and how to create and curate accessible educational materials.
OCR Webinar: Online Education and Website Accessibility The Office of Civil Rights (OCR) offers this short webinar on online education and website accessibility.
INFOhio Webinars: Be The Helper - Support Ohio's Remote Learning with Quality Content from INFOhio INFOhio offers a series of webinars on Being the Helper to support Ohio's remote learning with quality content.