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Learn About UDL


Universal Design for Learning (UDL)

from Cherie Smith

State Support Team Region 6 In Ohio has a website by Cherie Smith, a member of the Ohio UDL Collaborative. Cherie maintains this website and it's content is always be up-to-date

What You Need to Know About Universal Design for Learning (UDL) for Educators, Administrators, and Parents Fact Sheet

This fact sheet is intended to give educators, administrators, and parents a brief description of Universal Design for Learning (UDL) and tips to support implementation and understanding of the principles.

Download Fact Sheet (PDF)

Why Universal Design for Learning by Dr. George VanHorn

In this short three minute video Dr. VanHorn talks about why they decided to implement the UDL Framework and the impact it is having on their district by improving student outcomes.

Video: UDL in Schools

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How One Teacher Creates Expert Learners, by Tina Crim

Kindergarten teacher, Tina Crim gives specifics on how she develops expert learners in her elementary classroom at Galion Primary School.

Video: Expert Learners in the Elementary School

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When AD is enabled, descriptive language narrates what is on the screen. To learn more, visit our accessibility webpage.

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After hitting play you can access an interactive transcript for this video by selecting the Show Transcript icon in the top right corner of the video when you select play.

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When available, you can use Spanish subtitles for this video by selecting Settings and choosing Spanish in the Captions drop down menu.

How Two Teachers Create Expert Learners, by Jordan Landis (Intervention Specialist) and Karen Keener (Middle School ELA teacher).

These Crestview Middle School teachers discuss in depth how they move their students toward expert learners through many avenues using the Universal Design for Learning Framework.

Video: Expert Learners in the Middle School

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What is Audio Description (AD)?

When AD is enabled, descriptive language narrates what is on the screen. To learn more, visit our accessibility webpage.

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Kaltura Video Hosting: This website uses Kaltura, a video hosting company, to serve video content. If you are having difficulty viewing videos on this site, it may mean that your location (e.g., school district, organization) is blocking or filtering the Kaltura website. Please contact your IT personnel to resolve this issue.

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Captions / Transcript

After hitting play you can access an interactive transcript for this video by selecting the Show Transcript icon in the top right corner of the video when you select play.

You can turn on captions by selecting the Enable Captions icon in the bottom right corner. Captions can also be turned on by selecting the Settings icon, where you can also set your caption preferences.

When available, you can use Spanish subtitles for this video by selecting Settings and choosing Spanish in the Captions drop down menu.

The Ohio UDL Collaborative Practice Profile

The Ohio UDL Collaborative Practice Profile clarifies what UDL looks like in practice. It contains the critical components expected of UDL implementation, such as a definition of the component, why it is necessary, the range of implementation levels that can be expected, and the knowledge, skills, and abilities required to perform each practice.