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ASD Tip of the Month

Raising and educating adolescents with ASD and other disabilities offers many joys and gifts. They can be affectionate, inquisitive, fun, and loving. But, adolescents with ASD and other disabilities can also face additional challenges associated with puberty as compared to their typically developing peers. They may face challenges including fewer friends, fewer opportunities for friendships and lower participation in social and recreational activities. The Tips of the Month for 2021-2022 will help support the social and emotional well-being of adolescents with ASD and other disabilities.

The OCALI Lending Library has many resources to support adolescents on these various topics. Here are a few to explore:

  • Taking Care of Myself: A Hygiene, Puberty & Personal Curriculum for Young People by Wrobel, M.
  • What's Happening to Tom?: A Book About Puberty for Boys and Young Men with Autism and Related Conditions by Reynolds, Kate E.
  • What's Happening to Ellie?: A Book About Puberty for Girls and Young Women with Autism and Related Conditions by Reynolds, Kate E.
  • Autism, Asperger's, and Sexuality: Puberty and Beyond by Newport, J., & Newport, M.
  • Lucky Dogs, Lost Hats, and Dating Don'ts: Hi-Lo Stories about Real Life by Fish, Thomas R.
  • The Facts of Life....and More: Sexuality and Intimacy for People with Intellectual Disabilities by Walker-Hirsch, L., ed.

Additional materials available in the OCALI Lending Library.

Check out these additional OCALI resources to learn more about supporting adolescence.


Providing Supports for Cyberbullying

Social media and the internet can be a great connector for teens with autism, but can have some drawbacks, including bullying. Cyberbullying is the harassment of others using the internet. Individuals with ASD can be easy targets for cyberbullying because they often miss important social cues and can be easily influenced by others. The following tips are provided to help adolescents with cyberbullying:

  • Discuss what bullying looks like online. That is, name calling, threats, insults, etc. Include visual supports for clarification.
  • Teach how to block friends on social networking sites if bullying is occurring. Include visual supports for clarification.
  • Create social narratives to explain how to manage cyberbullying attacks.
  • Be sure adult support is available if the adolescent needs to talk to someone or report bullying activities.

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