School Based Partnerships to Support Transition Services
Video: School Based Partnerships to Support Transition Services
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OCALI Transition Planning and the IEP: Element Five-Transition Services
This portion of the OCALI Transition guideline provides information and resources about transition services. Ideas to support transition are included, as well as case studies.
Daily Life and Employment
Review the Medicaid waiver day service options. On April 1, 2017, proposed modifications to HCBS waiver adult day and employment services went into effect. Created in partnership with stakeholders, the revised adult day services prioritize person-centered planning, community employment, and community membership.
Employment First Transition Toolkit: Multi-Agency Collaboration
Explore the transition resources available on the Ohio Employment First webpage to support the collaborative work of local county agencies and schools.
Taxonomy for Transition Programming 2.0
This model for planning, organizing, and evaluating transition education, services, and programs highlights practices identified from effective programs and the research. The model continues with five primary practice categories: Student' Focused Planning, Student Development, Interagency Collaboration, Family Engagement, and Program Structure
The LEAD Center
A collaborative of disability, workforce and economic empowerment organizations, offers information on the drivers of career pathways, which includes Community Partnerships.