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Transition Planning and the IEP

Element Five: Determine the Extent and Type of Transition Services Needed

In order to achieve the identified postsecondary goals, students require some type of service. In some cases, there is the need for multiple services. These services are described as "Transition Services' and directly support the adult life or postsecondary goal. Transition services are provided prior to graduation to prepare the student for the identified postsecondary goal. The following is not an exhaustive list but are a few examples of several types of transition services:

Examples of Transition Services

ExamplesPossible activities
Instruction Specialized instruction that supports post-school goal. This might include areas such as self-determination, social competency, or academic/study skills
Community Experiences Activities that reinforce and apply in-school learning to authentic settings that represent the adult world environments. This might include attending a college class or exploring a college campus. Authentic community work experiences, such as job shadowing, volunteering or paid employment are highly recommended. This service may be provided by a Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities provider as a Pre-employment Transition Service.
Related Services Services that are needed to support success in the adult environment. This might include work site accommodations provided by an occupational therapist for students with physical and sensory disabilities. Communication supports for the employment setting developed by a speech therapist might be a related service. Behavioral supports and for the community provided by a mental health professional could also be helpful.
Daily Living Skills Training Activities that teach daily living for the entering workforce could focus on travel or issues such as hygiene, personal appearance, health and safety and money management. Independent living goals might require training such as cooking, safety and navigating the community.
Functional Vocational Assessment Processes and activities that identify a student's strengths, abilities and needs in an actual or simulated work setting or in real work experiences. Information is used to support development and refining of employment goals and the transition plan to support the goal

While the IEP transition team may identify community agencies and organizations to deliver transition services, the ultimate responsibility for ensuring that the transition services and supports are provided is that of the local school system in which the student is enrolled.

Section 614 of IDEA states that:

If a participating agency, other than the local educational agency, fails to provide the transition services described in the IEP . . . the local educational agency shall reconvene the IEP team to identify alternative strategies to meet the transition objectives for the child set out in the IEP.