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Transition Planning and the IEP

Resource Links for Element Five

Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM)

ATIM is designed to provide high-quality information and professional development on assistive technology (AT) for educators, professionals, families, persons with disabilities, and others.

College for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Students, Families, and Educators

College for Students with Disabilities: A Guide for Students, Families, and Educators offers information and resources for students with disabilities to achieve the dream of a college education. There are many pathways to achieve independence through higher education, and Maryville University has created this helpful "Frequently Asked Questions' (FAQ) that offers ideas of what to expect when researching options for adult education and community living.

Competitive Integrated Employment Quick Guide

This Quick Guide provides an overview of the definition of competitive integrated employment including support employment and customized employment as defined in WIOA (2014). This resource describes the importance of competitive integrated employment, the role it plays in secondary transition, current research, and practices for youth with disabilities.

Disability Services for college bound students-video

Web cast reviews the role and function of the Disability Services Office on a college campus with a focus on the types of supports that may be helpful for a student with an autism spectrum disorder.

Ohio Means Job

Support youth to create and use the Ohio Means Jobs backpack to save and view information on career interest, for skill development and resume development.

Pre-Employment Transition Services (Pre-ETS)

Pre-ETS are introductory services intended to help students with disabilities get an early start in identifying career interests as they explore the many facets of employment. In Ohio, Pre-ETS are provided by Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD) for those students that are eligible or potentially eligible for OOD services beginning at age 14.

Questions to Ask when on a college visit

Checklist for students when considering college they should ask at all interested college.

Transition to College-Video

Ann Palmer, author and parent of an individual with autism spectrum disorder (ASD), reviews strategies for student with ASD who plans to attend college after high school.

Work Based Learning Timeline

Review the types of work based learning experiences that can occur at each grade level beginning with elementary and middle school and continuing through to graduation.