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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Assessment Plan

Questions to be explored with transition assessmentTools/methods to be used or considered to address the questionWho will collect the information?When will it be collected?When will the assessment results be reported to the team?
What answers were discovered?
Why is the youth driven to be a firefighter?
  1. Interview Jessica
  2. Interview parents for historical perspective
1 and 2 : IS and Transition Coordinator meet with Jessica and family. 1 and 2: By February 15, 2022

Prior to team meeting - email after Feb 15th interview to other team members.

Information discovered in the interview indicates that Jessica began talking about being a 'fireman' from elementary age. No actual contact with a firefighter, only saw movies and TV and 'loved the shows'. Jessica reports she wants and job that helps others and is exciting.

Next Steps: Take into account Jessica's lack of direct exposure to this career when engaging in other assessment methods

What is the role and responsibility of a firefighter outside of a fire event?
  1. Interview a firefighter
  2. Shadow a firefighter
  3. OMJ Career videos
  1. Jessica with support of transition coordinator
  2. Jessica with support of job coach
  3. Jessica with support of IS.

1 and 2: By April 1, 2022

3. By March 1, 2022

Team meeting: April 25, 2022

Jessica discovered that the firefighter daily schedule included cleaning equipment, answering emails, tours for elementary students, online required continuing education courses, and daily documentation. Some days they did not leave the firehouse.

Next Steps: Explore further Jessica's interest in firefighting in light of new information. Obtain information on demand and salary.

What does Jessica know about or anticipate occurs when a firefighter must address a burning house? What are the actual decision-making steps required for a firefighter that is engaged in fighting a burning house.
  1. Interview a firefighter
  2. Shadow a firefighter
  1. Jessica with support of transition coordinator
  2. Jessica with support of IS.
1 and 2: By April 1, 2022

Team meeting: April 25, 2022

Jessica, IS and transition coordinator discovered that training includes following a team process and procedure. On-the spot decisions are also made when unexpected occurrences happen. They learned that loss of life has occurred when a firefighter has taken the wrong action. Firefighter emphasized the need to remain calm and knowing how to weigh risks vs. benefit, often with little time. Interview data reflects the intense emotional impact of these decisions.

Next Steps: Individual follow up with Jessica to reflect on this information and experience. Explore more deeply the current gap in the needed emotional regulation and problem solving and Jessica's current skills.

To what extent will smoke and fire exacerbate Jessica's asthma attacks?
  1. Interview Jesscia's parents about historical data
  2. Discussion with Jessica's PCP
  1. SSA from, CBDD
  2. SSA from CBDD
  1. March 5th, 2022
  2. March 12th, 2022

Team Meeting : April 25, 2022

Parents report the inhaler works well to reduce the severity of the asthma attacks. Happens only several times a year. Believe her emotional response to the event may be more of an escalation factor. Dr. feels asthma is well controlled, but is hesitant to agree that an intense smoke/fire event would be controlled with an inhaler.

Next Steps: Discuss with Jessica to assure she understands the potential medical risks

How accurate are Jessica's written skills when describing a complex and technical situation?
  1. Use an analytical scale for factual paragraphs to assess accuracy and clarity of written factual information.
  1. IS to score several available samples of factual writing as well as create several new opportunities OOD Job coach gathers sample from a job shadow.
Between March 15 and April 15 2022

Team Meeting : April 25, 2022

OOD job coach reports the task of writing a factual report of the job shadow was observed to be challenging for Jessica and she resisted the task.

IS reports that out of a possible 9 points on the scale, Jessica's samples were scored at 4,5,5, 3, 7, and 5

Next Steps: Job Coach to assist Jessica to complete a written factual report about job shadows with a focus on fact and option and logical sequence. IS to also support the same areas of need. Team to explore assistive technology to see if dictation or other supports improve her accuracy in report writing

Why is Jessica also interested in ER Nurse and Stunt Performer?
  1. Discussion with Jessica about the aspects of these careers that interest her.
  1. Parents to initiate conversation
By March 20, 2022

Discuss with IS prior to team Meeting on April 25, 2022

Parents report that Jessica shared that she has been interested in firefighting for years, but the ER Nurse also was interesting because of how exciting it is to be in the middle of a critical situation and the thrill that comes from saving people from dying. The stuntman is a newer interest than came after viewing a documentary. She feels she is athletic and could be successful. The thrill again comes from pulling off a dangerous act and the other actors being in awe.

The team concludes that Jessica is drawn to situations and careers that trigger an 'adrenaline rush'.

Next Steps: Job coach and Transition Coordinator to work with Jessica to understand why she may be drawn to these careers. Discuss the full range of activity in these jobs. Possible job shadows to learn more.

What other related roles/employment to firefighting are possible? Is Jessica aware or interested in learning more about these opportunities?
  1. Identify associated jobs and employment to firefighting. Jessica to assess interest
Jessica supported by Transition Coordinator: Using a rubric to gauge interest, have Jessica assess aspects of related jobs/careers positions Prior to April 25, 2022

Team Meeting : April 25, 2022

Associated careers: Occupational Health and Safety Technician, EMT,Fire/arson investigators, fire inspectors, Criminal Investigator. Loosely associated are positions such as administrative supports and for offices and fire and police dispatch

Jessica uses a rubric that scores features such as extent of education/training required, wage, problem solving skills needed, degree of time spent in preferred tasks and activities,and perceived personal fulfillment to assess interest .Associated careers rated highest interest by Jessica: Fire/arson investigator and Fire and Police Dispatch

Next Steps: Gather more information on Fire/arson investigator and Fire and Police Dispatch

How does the youth currently react to stressful situations? How does she regulate her emotions? Use of tools such as Self-Regulation Question.      
