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Self-Care for Individuals, Families, and Professionals

Nourish Your Mind

"Knowledge will bring you the opportunity to make a difference.'

C. Fagin

The mind plays a role in every feeling and thought we experience. Opportunities for continued learning promote brain health and nourishment. To get started on this path to self-care care, it is important to understand what is self-care, assess your current awareness, and increase your knowledge of self-care habits.

Know Your Stressors

It is essential to begin to recognize the stressors and situations that are draining you. Take a moment to list the top challenges, concerns, or situations that cause a stress response. Once you have identified what causes you stress, you can work on coping skills to feel better and bring yourself peace, comfort, and energy.

Educate Yourself

Continue to keep yourself informed about autism. Learn more about the importance of autism awareness and acceptance. Read the latest research study. Check out the activities and events of local and national organization. Follow blogs sharing experiences from families, individuals, and professionals. Caution! Be careful to not go overboard. It can be easy to become consumed in all of the information that is available. Set a schedule that works for you and supports your self-care.

Learn More

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Taking Care Of Yourself, National Alliance on Mental Health
Similar to the advice to put on your own oxygen mask before trying to help someone else, you must first take care of yourself in order to care for the people you love. Learn more about personalizing your self-care.

Healthy Lifestyles Stress Management: Know Your Triggers, Mayo Clinic
An important part of stress management is understanding the types and sources of stress. As more demands are placed on you, take time to consider your stress response and how common stressors affect you.

5 Ways to Nourish Your Brain, Mindful
The brain is the "grand conductor' in everything we do. Learn more about keeping it healthy.