Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-Occurring Conditions

The ADHD Autism Connection
Diane Kennedy
Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is one of the most rapidly growing diagnosis of our generation. Often the diagnosis fails to provide real help, leaving patients, doctors, and families at a loss. For the first time ever, new insights into the overwhelming number of similiarities between autism and ADHD are giving those with ADHD genuine hope. For years, the label of autism has carried a negative connotation. Parents have been afraid to admit the diagnosis and banished the term from discussion. Finally, this guide for parents and professionals provide a reason to embrace autism with a renewed sense of hope and understanding.

Why do you do that?: A Book about Tourette Syndrome for Children and Young People
Uttom Chowdhury
Written specifically for siblings of children with Tourette Syndrome (TS), "Why Do You Do That?" is an age-appropriate source of information for children and adolescents aged 8 to 16. Uttom Chowdhury and Mary Robertson describe tics and Tourette's in clear, child-friendly terms and provide a simple explanation of the biological causes. Other chapters focus on living with someone who has TS, associated features such as obsessive-compulsive disorder, attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and aggression, and what siblings can do to help. The authors also offer practical tips on how to deal with issues such as problems at school and bullying. This book will prove invaluable for brothers and sisters of children with TS, as well as parents and other family members.

When My Worries Get Too Big! A Relaxation Book for Children Who Live with Anxiety
Kari Dunn Buron
Worry and anxiety are on an upswing. In fact, anxiety is the most frequent of all mental disorders in children. High levels of stress and big emotions related to social situations, sensory issues, or general frustration are common in children who live with anxiety. Such stress can lead to a loss of control, resulting in aggressive behavior, such as screaming, throwing things or even hurting someone. Prolonged anxiety can also seriously impact success in academic achievement and cause children to avoid social and extracurricular activities. Now with a special section on evidence-based teaching activities for parents and teachers alike, this bestselling children s classic just became even better and more relevant. Engaging and easy to read, this illustrated children s book is filled with opportunities for children to participate in developing their own self-calming strategies. Children who use the simple strategies in this charming book, illustrated by the author, will find themselves relaxed and ready to focus on work or play!

The Asperger Plus Child: How to Identify and Help Children with Asperger Syndrome and Seven Common Co-Existing Conditions
George T. Lynn with Joanne Barrie Lynn
The Asperger Plus Child is based on current research and the author's clinical observations from working with brilliant, wild, odd, and difficult children for fifteen years. It provides a map that helps them understand better at home and at school. The Asperger Plus Child is written for parents, teachers, counselors, and medical professionals. In this book, George Lynn continues the tradition of "breaking new ground" in his insights about the children he calls "attention different." Some pearls from this work are
- Why it is important to understand the real difference between autism and Asperger Syndrome.
- How you can tell if a child has AS or ADD and why the distinction will become more important as the child grows through his teen years.
- What a child with AS who also has a nonverbal learning disability looks like compared to a child with AS without an NLD!
Though each child is as different as a fingerprint, neurology exercises a powerful force on character development: There are shared patterns, there are important differences. The Asperger Plus Child presents a commonsensical, interesting, and understandable description of these essential distinctions.

Tictionary: A Reference Guide to the World of Tourette Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder and Obsessive Compulsive Disorder for Parents and Professionals
Becky Ottinger
This unique A-Z resource guide is for anyone needing information and common-sense strategies as they deal with the neurological disorders of Tourette Syndrome, Asperger Syndrome, attention deficit hyperactivity disorder and obsessive compulsive disorder. Written from both a parent and an educator's perspective, the guide offers insights into the world of the children and families who deal with these disorders through factual information interspersed with both funny and sad stories.
Helpful handouts and fact sheets, ready to be copied with the publisher's permission, are customized for the bus driver, general education teacher, counselor and other school staff, in addition to family physician, dentist, Scout and other leisure time leaders, family members and others.

Helping Students Overcome Depression and Anxiety, Second Edition: A Practical Guide
Kenneth W. Merrell
Depression, anxiety, and other internalizing disorders can have severe and lasting consequences for children and adolescents. This unique book provides clear-cut strategies for addressing these problems creatively and effectively with students in grades K-12. A concise overview of the nature, development, and course of childhood depression and anxiety is delineated, and a comprehensive assessment model is outlined. Chapters then present a wide range of empirically supported interventions that are easy to implement and readily adaptable to diverse settings.
Cognitive-behavioral and psychoeducational techniques are described in jargon-free language, and numerous reproducible worksheets are included to facilitate the practitioner's day-to-day work. Other topics covered include currently available psychiatric medications for depression and anxiety, and when and how a psychiatric referral should be made.
Dual Diagnosis: Autism and Co-Existing Disorders
Olson, K., & Hellings, J.
Autism is a complex disorder that challenges individuals, their families, and those who provide direct support. This DVD provides an overview of Autism and several coexisting disorders and briefly touches on their treatment. A few of the more common conditions that co-exist with Autism complicating treatment and support include Seizure Disorder, Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder (OCD); Mood Disorders (Bipolar Disorder or Depression) and Psychotic Disorders. Highlights include interviews with people with developmental disabilities, their families, support providers, and other professionals.
Running time: 64 minutes.