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Autism Spectrum Disorder and Co-Occurring Conditions

Collaborative Efforts Across Ohio State Agencies

Ohio's state systems have been working collaboratively to support children and youth with developmental disabilities including autism spectrum disorder and other co-occurring conditions. DODD has implemented the following projects and initiatives to support keeping youth at home with their families.

The following is a list of collaborative efforts across Ohio.

Project ECHO (Extension of Community Healthcare Outcomes) for MSY

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities (DODD) and the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OMHAS) created the System of Care ECHO for multi-system youth. ECHO sessions occur four times per month and include a brief didactic and a case presentation from a local team that is heard by a panel of clinicians with expertise in trauma, psychiatry, pediatrics, autism, parent peer support, and systems of care, as well as individuals across child-serving systems. The intent is to build capacity for those who are supporting multi-system youth across the state.

Telepsychiatry for MI/ID

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities partners with Wright State University & Access Ohio Mental Health Center of Excellence, to provide Telepsychiatry services for youth who are enrolled in Medicaid with a dual diagnosis of Mental Illness and Intellectual Disability. This telepsychiatry service provides youth access to high-quality psychiatric care with a specialty in the dual diagnosis of MI/ID.

Virtual Reality Project for Direct Support Professionals

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities collaborated with OCALI to develop a virtual reality training experience for direct support professionals. This pilot includes a 20-minute training module and 4 virtual reality scenarios to help direct care staff notice, understand, and respect people as well as their communication preferences, build better relationships with those they serve, and to feel valued and recognize the important impact they make.

MSY Training

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities, in partnership with OCALI, has developed an evidence-based training curriculum for providers serving youth with complex behavioral health needs. This training curriculum is available both in-person & online. The content centers around supporting youth as it relates to trauma, communication, sensory, emotional & environmental needs through practical strategies & interventions.

Youth Respite Grants

The Ohio Department of Developmental Disabilities awarded seven grants across 13 counties for Planned Respite & In-Home supports for youth with complex behavioral health needs. The planned respite grants are local collaborative projects among County Boards of DD, COGs, DD providers, FCFC & MH agencies.