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Resource Crosswalk

The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to districts, schools, and classrooms in the continuous improvement process.

Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.

Building Capacity

The following resource lends support to building (educator, teams, or staff) skills, knowledge, and awareness to support application of new practices.

Description Type Length Certificate

Agency Navigation Tool

The document and supporting video were created as a resource to provide basic information about key agencies. This document contains: A list and description of the types of information that agencies often request. A brief overview of key agencies that includes information or resources about topics such as: eligibility requirements, intake procedures, and possible services .Contact information and helpful websites for each state or federal agency. Space to add local contact information for each agency. A space for families/teams to record the information about the youth or family that is often requested by agencies.

Online Tool This resourse is short