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Resource Crosswalk

The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to districts, schools, and classrooms in the continuous improvement process.

Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.

Evidence Based Practices and Supports

The following resource provides evidence-based strategies to support teams with effective and efficient approaches.

Description Type Length Certificate

Challenging Behavior Expect Success Online Webinar Series

Every person is unique and has different strengths, talents, and skills. When addressing challenging behaviors for people with complex needs, it is essential to individualize the process in order to develop effective intervention plans. This 14-part webinar series is based in positive behavior intervention supports (PBIS), functional behavior assessment (FBA), and behavior intervention planning. The series explores the belief system and a systematic process essential to understanding and addressing challenging behavior. It also includes team-based strategies that focus on matching evidence-based interventions to a target behavior, after in-depth exploration of the individual’s strengths and challenges. This series is ideal for anyone supporting school-age children, adolescents, and adults. Inclusive of the components of PBIS, this training can support educational teams working with students in need of Tier 3 support.

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