Resource Crosswalk
The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to state partners, including the state agencies, state support teams, and educational services centers by providing professional learning, technical assistance, coaching, and implementation supports.
Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.
The following resources lend support to developing and/or addressing plans to focus on priorities identified.
Description | Type | Length | Certificate |
Access to the General Education Curriculum/Literacy Access for ALLThis FREE, 10-part video series containing over 70 coaching videos and hundreds of resources explores strategies grounded in research that are designed to ensure ALL learners have access to the general curriculum. |
Assistive Technology Internet Modules (ATIM)ATIM include 58 interactive learning modules on topics related to AT including but not limited to resources about, assessment, implementation, transition, and AT for specific curricular areas and areas of independent living. |
AT Resource GuideOverview of AT assessment and implementation including a school district‘s legal responsibility to provide AT. (Under revision) |
Designing for the Least Restrictive Environment in General EducationLeast Restrictive Environment (LRE) is a critical principle of the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA). School districts and families often struggle with WHERE and HOW to ensure LRE. What does the law really say? How can we use the UDL framework to reduce barriers and ensure that the general education classroom is the least restrictive environment? This presentation offers an engaging discussion that will stretch our thinking, allow for collaboration, and improve outcomes for each and every learner! |
Expert Learners Through the Lens: How do Kids Know What Helps Them LearnA 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron discussion on Expert Learners. |
Isabella Needs ATThis video introduces viewers to AT and takes them through an Individualized Education Program meeting during which AT is considered. (Available in Spanish) |
Take 5 VideosLearn about essential topics for transition and adulthood and engage in new ideas through Take 5 webcasts. Each short video in the Take 5 series will review a topic, concept or idea about transition and adult life planning, service, and support for those assisting youth and adults with disabilities. Take 5 also provides five take-away resources for each of the webcasts to help extend learning and support implementation of new knowledge or sharing of valuable ideas. |
The Guidelines for the Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Students who are Deaf or Hard of HearingThe Guidelines for the Assessment and Educational Evaluation of Students who are Deaf or Hard of Hearing guidance document is a collection of suggestions for families and professionals designed to help teams determine what to include in an educational evaluation along with recommendations for administration. The purpose of these guidelines is to provide you with current best practices in the assessment and evaluation of deaf and hard of hearing students to improve postschool outcomes for students. |
Transition Assessment and Transition Planning, InspirED Webinar SeriesExplore a 3 part InspirED series on Transition Assessment and Transition Planning offering good foundational information for all team members serving transition youth (special educators, general educators, therapists, transition coordinators, paraprofessionals, etc.) |
Using UDL to Leverage Co-PlanningDo you regularly collaborate with co-teachers or other school staff to proactively plan to support the learning of all of your students in the general education classroom? If you are a general education teacher, intervention specialist, ESL teacher, speech-language pathologist, OT/PT, title teacher or another collaborative teacher, then this webinar is for you. Join us as we discuss how to use UDL to leverage co-planning. Bring your best ideas as we discuss how to make these partnerships work for the benefit of all students. |