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Resource Crosswalk

The resources presented in this Crosswalk lend support to state partners, including the state agencies, state support teams, and educational services centers by providing professional learning, technical assistance, coaching, and implementation supports.

Explore the Crosswalk by selecting the content areas on the left navigation below and then select the resources appearing to the right to learn more.

Reflection and Adjustment

The following resources lend support to collecting and analyzing data to refine plans.

Description Type Length Certificate

Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Throughout this guide, you will be introduced to the planning process for transition assessment. It is important we intentionally plan for transition assessment to ensure we reduce duplication, build on a student’s progress, and identify individualized assessment to build the youth’s profile in relationship to those skills needed for their adult life goals.

Guide This resourse is long  

Effective Practices: Supporting Youth In School, In the Community and On the Job and Predictors of Post School Success

Effective Practices and Predictors are research-based strategies that focus on supporting transition age youth to gain critical skills and experiences. The Practices and Predictors are useful to transition professionals in school and agencies across systems and in multiple environments.

Guide This resourse is medium-long  

Lisa Hite a Career Technical Education spends some time talking to Barb and Ron about UDL

A 10 Minutes with Barb and Ron talk with Lisa Hite Career Technical Education (CTE) about the importance of UDL in technical education/high school.

Video This resourse is short  

Transition Assessment and Transition Planning, InspirED Webinar Series

Explore a 3 part InspirED series on Transition Assessment and Transition Planning offering good foundational information for all team members serving transition youth (special educators, general educators, therapists, transition coordinators, paraprofessionals, etc.)

Video This resourse is short This resource does have a certificate