Transition Planning and the IEP
Case Studies: Course of Study
Each case study has an identified course of study that aligns with the Postsecondary Goals. Each of the case studies students' course of study includes several area of focus as the academic content alone is not sufficient to prepare these youth with ASD to prepare for their adult life goals.

Overview of postsecondary goals:
"Robert will independently work part-time in a body shop making car repairs, attend adult education classes in the community, and plans to move to his own apartment.'
Course of Study
In order to achieve this adult outcomes, Robert's course of study from ages 14 to 22 (assuming he is extending graduation) needs to include academic instruction, vocational instruction, and functional living skills.
The IEP team created a schedule that allowed Robert to attend several general education classes and also receive the necessary tutoring or specialized instruction in the core areas. He also attended a life skills class to work on targeted social skills and social competency. Opportunities were identified and facilitated in the general education environments to allow Robert to practice the social competences he was learning. Finally, he attended vocational activities and community work experiences that focused on car repair.

Overview of postsecondary goals:
"After high school and college graduation, Antonio will attend a four-year college and then work in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment."
Course of Study
In order to achieve his dream of college, employment and adult living, Antonio's course of study needs to include:
- A rigorous academic preparation
- Specialized instruction in targeted areas of daily planning, problem solving, safety and social competencies
- Self-determination instruction and preparation to advocate for accommodations in college
Although Antonio's daily schedule in high school was quite heavy, the team was able to identify one class period where Antonio received instruction and assistance in the areas of specialized instruction that he required. All teachers were provided with information regarding the focus of this instruction for the week allowing them to reinforce the concepts of self-advocacy, problem solving, etc., within the context of the general curriculum.

Overview of postsecondary goals:
"Following high school, Carla will work part-time in a community setting with support in an area of interest and skill. She will receive on-the-job training for her employment and also instruction in daily living skills. She plans to move from the family home to a supported residential home when the appropriate supported and individualized setting is available."
Course of Study
In order to achieve an adult life that reflects quality and individualization, Carla's course of study needs to include:
- Applied academics in authentic community settings
- Work experiences in multiple community environments
- Instruction in daily living skills that align with activities in her home and future residential environment