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Transition Planning and the IEP

Introduction to Case Studies

Three case studies of student's with an Autism Spectrum Disorder are highlighted throughout the Transition Planning and the IEP guide. Case study information follows the discussion of each element as an example of how the elements can be individualized based on student strengths and needs.

Meet Robert

Robert is a youth who, like many his age, dreams of being an independent adult. He has strong interests that drive both his career goals and his social life. Robert has many strengths that have been noted as a child. He also struggles with some important skill areas that would be necessary for independence as an adult. Robert identifies his family as his mother, stepfather, grandmother, younger sister, and Aunt Jane, a close friend of the family. Robert was diagnosed as having autism at age 3. He receives specialized instruction and service through an IEP.

Meet Antonio

Antonio is a youth who plans to enter a four year university following high school. He has several areas of great interest and skill. Antonio has been a strong academic student for all his school career. However, he struggles with the social aspects of school and community environments. These social challenges as well as difficulties with handwriting and organization have resulted in eligibility for the services of an IEP. Antonio's family includes his mother, father, and two younger twin brothers. Antonio was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at age 7.

Meet Carla

Carla is a young lady who found her interest early in life, music! Everyone who knows Carla knows that music is part of her connection to the world around her. Carla struggles in many areas of independent living and academics. She has received specialized instruction, therapies and supports through an IEP since she was in preschool. Although she attends several general education classes, she requires specialized instruction in alternate environments. Carla's family includes her mother and father (although they are divorced), an older sister and an older brother. Carla was diagnosed with autism and intellectual disability at the age of 2-1/2.