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Transition Planning and the IEP

Resource Links for Element One

AIR Self- Determination Assessment

This tool offers the transition team a method  to measure self-determination using two broad self- determination components with educator, student and parent participation.

Employability/ Life Skills Assessment (ELSA)

Assessment for both students and parent to use to consider their youth's employability skills from age 6-21

Fact sheet on Age Appropriate Transition Assessment

Fact sheet on Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment put out by Council for Exceptional Children, National Technical Assistance Center on Transition (NTACT) , and IDEAs that Work.

Life Course Tools

Use information surfaced from Charting the LifeCourse tools to inform AATA. The Charting the LifeCourse Framework was created by families to help individuals and families of all abilities and all ages develop a vision and create a plan for a good life.


Toolkit provides guidance for practitioners in selecting and using formal and informal assessments to help students and families plan for their future after high school.

OCALI Transition to Adulthood Guideline Series: Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Guide

Guide for transition teams to consider the critical components to developing a plan for individual youth,while keeping in mind youth's strengths, preferences, interests, and needs.

Ohio Age Appropriate Transition Assessment Library

Selection of vetted age- appropriate transition resources for educators working with transition- aged youth.

Ongoing Transition Assessment: A Team Planning Guide

This guide will assist multi-agency teams to plan together the assessment activities that result in important, meaningful and individualized data. That leads to the development if meaningful postsecondary goals.

Person Centered Thinking- Worksheet

Tools for transition teams to outline youth needs in terms of students point of view, giving youth their best lives.

Secondary School Success Checklist

The Secondary School Success Checklist (SSSC) is an evaluation of student skills completed by staff, families, and students. Designed by the Center on Secondary Education for Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (CSESA) , the SSSC is a tool that can support teams in identifying priority goals related to independence and behavior, transition, social competence, and academic skills (with a focus on literacy)

Take 5. Videos on Age Appropriate Transition Assessment

Age Appropriate Transition Assessment: What Is It?

A brief video describing AATA and 5 Take-Away Resources

A Process of Asking and Answering Questions

A brief video describing how to plan AATA and 5 Take-Away Resources