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Transition Planning and the IEP

Resources to Facilitate Transition Process

Visioning the Future

Some youth find it difficult to envision and articulate their life as adults. A variety of informal tools are available to help the youth, the family, and team to develop the vision and identify a path to the future. Review the resources below for information and ideas to help plan for the future.

Backwards Planning resources from Ohio Employment First Transition Framework

Planning processes that start with the expectation of community employment and then work backwards to identify important steps are using a Backwards Planning process.

My Life Book: Future Planning for People with Developmental Disabilities

This book and DVD offers families and student support groups a variety of activities to create a better understanding of the skills the student will need after high school graduation.

Available through the Lending Library at OCALI.

Person-Centered Planning: A Tool for Transition

by the National Center on Secondary Education and Transition

Use of a person-centered planning process with young adults with disabilities can coordinate formal and informal systems of support. By combining resources and working intentionally toward a common goal, families, youth and professionals can achieve more positive outcomes for youth with disabilities, while at the same time putting long-term community supports in place. This resource provides an overview of the steps for person-centered planning and connects this process to the IEP transition planning process.

Opening Doors to Post-secondary Education and Training: Planning for Life After High School

by Mary E. Morningstar

This is a workbook designed to help students, their families, and professionals to plan for life after high school. It uses a person-centered approach to identify student strengths and facilitates a problem-solving approach to develop a plan of action and a vision for the future.

Planning for Your Transition From High School to Adult Life: A workbook to help you decide what you want your life to look like after graduation

by Ellen Condon and Kim Brown

This free publication was produced by the Transition Projects at The Rural Institute: Partnerships for Transition. The Rural Institute, located at the University of Montana, offers many resources related to transition planning with a focus on individualized, meaningful employment. This workbook shares important information, encourages youth to begin thinking about life after high school, and offers ideas they can use to plan routes to reach their goals.

Role Models changing the world around us

The following is a set of links that provides an overview of individuals on the spectrum that have taken different paths and inspired others.

Autistic adults find jobs where attention to detail is key

Blind Teen with Autism Inspires Others with his voice

Chloe is proud to be Autistic

Lacrosse helps teenager with autism beat the odds, inspire others

Official Wretches & Jabberes Trailer

Temple Grandin TEDxDU - Different kinds of minds

Students can gain knowledge and information about the many facets of adult life planning and create goal banks and discover resources that will assist them in owning their own home, obtaining further education, or keeping a job and interview skills.