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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

I. Introduction

Transition to Adulthood Series

Introduction to Employment Guide

In this guide, Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders, the user will learn about strategies and resources to plan and prepare for employment. Support to obtain the 'Right Fit' for employment and maintain employment is also included. The guide begins a review of the current and changing landscape of employment. The next sections offer specific implications and considerations for the youth with ASD when preparing for and seeking employment. Strategies aligned to potential challenges faced by youth with ASD are offered throughout the section. Finally, a review of important agencies to support the individual on the Path to Employment is included in the guide. Resources for improving career development and employment support are offered throughout the resource sections in the guide.

The goal of this guide is to help the user understand the issues surrounding successful employment for the individual with ASD and to highlight the supports and resources that lead to and assist in maintaining meaningful employment.