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Employment and the Youth with Autism Spectrum Disorders

Resources for Employment Landscape

The resources found in this section, reflect the best thinking of the work industry and how change is a great thing and innovative, inclusive practices are leading all individuals no matter their ability to new work opportunities. Consider these resources as adaptable to individuals current need and inspire other community stakeholders in your area to practice these strategies.

Current Landscape of Employment for ASD

National Autism Indicators Report: Developmental Disability Services And Outcomes In Adulthood

National Autism Indicators Report: Transition Into Young Adulthood
Review of data about various adult outcomes for individuals across the spectrum of autism.

The Changing Landscape

101 Mobility
Top 6 Companies in 2016 who hire people with all abilities to work.

2018 Disability Equality Index- Report
Leading organizations view disability inclusion as a priority in order to truly create an inclusive culture for all.

Adult Autism and Employment
This manual edited by Scott Standifer, Ph.D. from the University of Missouri was written for vocational rehabilitation professionals and employment services providers. The guide contains detailed information about how the features of people with ASD and the needs of the workplace interact, with suggestions for how to address common challenges to those interactions.

Association of People Support Employment First Initiative (APSE)
APSE supports Employment First to facilitate the full inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace and community. Organization helping the nation to think inclusively in all matters of work and life no matter an individual's ability or career option. Also check out, additional PDF explaining resources and tips for employers and families to reach high success when working in the local community and many terms are defined.

Autism Workforce
Untapped Talent
The autism Community needs jobs, but few companies are equipped to hire and work with this growing (1 million+), Able, and Incredibly dedicated workforce

When preparation and dedication go to work

Bender Consulting Services, Inc.
The Connection between talent and the workforce. Bender provides employers with reliable talent and giving well-trained individuals with disabilities the chance to display their abilities and enhance their lives through a variety of careers.

CAST Workforce Development
The world of work keeps changing. Learn how we're creating a world where all people have equal opportunities to rise.

College of Liberal Arts Center for Multicultural and Gender Studies: Bulletin
What is diversity is covered in a four-page bulletin and the many benefits to the inclusion for all.

CVS Training Centers Simulate Pharmacy Work for People with Disabilities
Competitive Integrated Employment and benefit all! Mock store set up across the county helping individuals with disability practice skills for CVS positions in school model training before graduating on to competitive integrated employment.

Department of Labor
Resources and tools to assist individuals with disabilities gain employment

Disability :IN
Your Business partner for disability inclusion. We empower business to achieve disability inclusion & equality.

EARN- Employer Assistance and Resource Network on disability and Inclusion
Interviewing tips- a critical role in the hiring process, allowing employers the opportunity to find the individual who possesses the best mix of knowledge, skill, and abilities for the position.

Easy Read Documents
Several documents that explain Employment First, Path to Employment, Person Centered Planning, and other concepts.

Employment Outcomes Of Young Adults On The Autism Spectrum

Hire Disability Solutions
Job search for individuals with disabilities: Hire disability Solutions-â„¢-

How-To Guide to Community and Employment for Job Seekers and Families
Job seekers will find information and tools to assist in navigating the steps to employment using this How-To Guide. The site offers Easy Read modules in the LEARN section and resources to assist movement along the path to community and employment.

Huffington Post- Newspaper article
12 Ways Businesses Can Better Serve People With Disabilities by: Tiffiny Carlson, Mobility Resource

Included. Supported. Empowered
A website honoring individuals with intellectual disabilities through the four core principles: Included-As a valued part of society. Supported- At home, at work, and in our community. Empowered- to live with dignity we all deserve. We all have a Stake- In Insuring individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities can thrive.

JAN Webinar Disability Inclusion & ADA Compliance During the Hiring Process
Businesses that are inclusive of individuals with disabilities can benefit from a wider pool of talent. Recruiters of qualified candidates for employment should be knowledgeable about disability inclusion, Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) compliance, and how to navigate the hiring process with candidates with disabilities. This session will enable recruiters and hiring managers to build ADA competence and confidence and will include practical information about best practices, ADA compliance, pre-employment inquiry rules, and accommodating candidates with disabilities.

JPMorgan- video
Inclusion and diversity program a part of the JP Morgan company

Microsoft: Global Diversity and Inclusion
Microsoft inclusive hiring programs- from the very first days of our company, Microsoft has sought to enable individuals and organizations around the world to do great things. Explore three the Autism Program, Supported Employment, and disABILITY Hiring links.

National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL)
Work Matters: A framework for states on workforce development for people with disabilities (12/15/2017)
Yearlong joint task force effort of state policymakers convened by NCSL and Council of State
Governments (CSG) to address barriers to employment and develop policy solutions to build a thriving workforce that is disability inclusive.

Newspaper Article from:
How Disability- Friendly is your workplace? 4 ways to put your business to the test by Denise Brodey

Ohio Employment First
Ohio Employment First is shifting expectations for a cultural transformation. Explore the variety of resources available on this website

Prepare the Workplace
Successful employment begins with matching the potential job with the potential employee. Successful employment also requires proactive steps to prepare the physical and social environment. This requires knowledge of how the characteristics of ASD impact the specific individual and being able to communicate that information to the employer and coworker. Job fit and workplace preparation are two of the most important aspects of job development. Learn more about job development and ASD by watching this short interview with Dr. Peter Gerhardt. Prepare the workplace video with Dr. Peter Gerhardt.
Successful employment begins with matching the potential job with the potential employee. Successful employment also requires proactive steps to prepare the physical and social environment.

Fighting stigmas. Advancing opportunities, solutions center for best practices. Ensuring children and adults with disabilities receive the education, training and employment opportunities they need to succeed.

Social Security- Work Incentives
General listings of tools and articles explaining the work incentives for Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) and Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI) beneficiaries.

Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM)

State Employment Leadership Network (SELN)
Membership- based network of state intellectual and developmental disability agencies committed to making changes in their service systems.

The Growing Acceptance to Autism in the Workplace- Sunday Morning-CBS News story
Article and video exploring the past decades of hiring practices and the unfair stereotypes when considering individuals with unique abilities.

Transition Films: Intelligent Lives
Free postsecondary transition films and guides show effective transition practices, captured on film. Each film has a discussion guide to aid in classroom discourse.

*Two Cafe and Boutique
The Two foundation exists to create a movement of full integration in the local workforce for individuals with exceptionalities. We do this, by bridging the gap between individuals and local business partners. We prepare, place and support our job seekers, and do all we can to ensure long-term success.

Walgreens is the commitment to integrating people with disabilities throughout their workplaces as fully ingrained in the fabric of their organization. Fostering a disability inclusive workplace and culture has enabled Walgreens to tap into a wider pool of talent, retain valued team members, and gain insight into the needs of an important and expanding segment of the customer base.

27 companies that hire individuals with ASD. As well as considerations for hiring individuals with ASD to work at your company.

Work Without Limits
Putting abilities to work in Massachusetts
Founded in 2009, Work Without Limits is a network of engaged employers and innovative, collaborative partners whose shared mission is to increase the employment rate of people with disabilities.

Employment Defined:

American Association of People with Disabilities-AAPD
convener, connector, and catalyst for change, increasing the political and economic power of people with disabilities.

Job Accommodations Network- JAN
Employees and Employers to gain resources during the hiring process and accommodation to complete a hired job task. Offers free webinars over relevant topics as well.

Ohio Employment First
Every Person. Every Talent. Every Opportunity.
Transition planning for individuals from age 14 to adult to have the career field they need.

Ohio Employment First: Benefits to Employers
Resources and additional content for inclusive hiring practices

Ohio Employment First: Common Principles
The Employment First Task Force agencies agree that Ohio needs a coordinated state effort that examines existing practices in our system to identify and address barriers to employment for people with developmental disabilities.

Ohio's Path to Employment First
"Ohio's Path to Employment First", summarizes the activities that have been implemented since Governor Kasich signed the Employment First Executive Order in March 2012. Long-range planning has taken place with broad stakeholder input, and future activities have been planned to support the ongoing paradigm shift in our culture to one that truly recognizes and embraces the contributions and capabilities of people with developmental disabilities.
Download Document (PDF)

Sondra Williams: Reflections Keynote
Sondra Williams, author, speaker, and mentor for youth with autism gave a Lunch Keynote entitled Reflections of Self, during the 2013 Employment First Conference, Williams was presented with a Courage Award for 2013 by Ohio Governor John Kasich. Watch her inspirational story and the role meaningful employment has played in her life.

Terminology Related to Employment and Employment Supports
Downloadable document reviews terms and information to help interpret and understand the discussions that may occur when planning for and pursuing employment for individuals with ASD.

U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission
Provides legal guidance in your state and resources to consider if employee to feel excluded in their current work or when applying for new work.

**Reference to any programs or agencies is included for your information and does not indicate an endorsement from OCALI.