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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Build Your Team

Let's make sure we go through some potential team members who may have transition assessment data to contribute now - or potentially provide services and supports to the student in the future. Remember, this comprehensive multi-agency team will focus on providing information on the student's preferences, interests, needs, and strengths/skills from their time with the student. Some multi-agency team members may be invited to the IEP team meeting while others may contribute assessment data to help the IEP team effectively plan and prioritize. Everyone that currently or previously supported the student may have valuable information to share, so let's make sure we consider all of those professionals, family members, and others.

Use the below set of questions as a checklist to identify potential multi-agency team members to contribute transition assessment information about the student's PINS or adult life goals.


  • Let's ensure the student is the focus of our multi-agency team. Have we conducted interviews, observations, formal and informal assessments, or provided opportunities for experiences?
  • How has the student described their own preferences, interests, skills/strengths, and needs?
  • Prior to the meeting, prepare the student to contribute and even lead his or her planning meeting. Students can prepare a presentation, vison board, or other items to help them discuss themselves and what they want for their adult life.

The Family

  • How have we included the family voice in this conversation? Does the student's caregivers extend beyond their parents?
  • Are there other caregivers, family members, or natural supports the youth or family would like as part of the team?
  • Are there siblings who support or advocate for the student?

School Team Members

  • What general educators teach or support the student?
  • What special educators or intervention specialists support the student?
  • What paraprofessionals or other school staff support the student?
  • What related service providers support the student?
  • What nurse or school medical staff support the student?
  • What extracurricular activities, sports, clubs, or volunteer opportunities does (or did) the student participate in during school? Are there advisors or support staff for these activities that may know the student?
  • Has the student participated in any vocational training programs or opportunities? Are there instructors, job coaches, or other school staff associated with these opportunities that may know the student?

Agency Partners

  • Is the youth eligible for or already connected with the local County Board of Developmental Disabilities (CBDD)?
  • Is the youth eligible for or already connected with Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)?
  • Is the youth already working in the community? Where are they working and who supports them?
  • Is the youth connected with a mental health professional either within the school or externally?
  • Is the youth receiving any behavioral support assistance from a local professional or organization?
  • Is the youth connected with recreational, club programs, or summer camps outside of the school?
  • Is the youth participating in a faith-based organization?
  • Does the youth volunteer with or receive mentorship from anyone or an organization?
  • Is the youth receiving any wraparound, case coordination, or other family supports?
  • Is the youth in foster care or involved in the juvenile justice system?
