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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Data-Based Discussions

Gaps and disconnects are expected, since most youth are still learning and gaining skills for adult life. It is natural for young people to:

  • change their minds about future careers,
  • discover new interests and preferences and
  • gain skills that lessen or modify their needs.

There also may be times when all team members are not in agreement about the 'fit' between the youth's current skills and skills needed to achieve post school goals. The data and information gained through transition assessment provide facts to use in resolving differing opinions.

Having a discussion, based on facts allows the team to objectively consider:

  • in what ways the youth's plans for the future are a good match or fit with his/her profile,
  • in what areas there are gaps to address with transition services and further assessment.

Respectful discussion about concerns for the 'right fit', as well as discussion of how the youth's interests may be the right fit, allows the team to target skill development in needed areas in order for the youth to successfully achieve the goal. In some cases, goals may be modified for a better fit.
