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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Tools to Consider When Discussing the Right Fit

OhioMeansJobs, O*NET, or Career One Stop

These are all good resources to show those skills, abilities, and education needed for specific careers.

Documenting the Gap and Question Three Summary

Download and use this form to organize the discussion information. Identify areas of match or areas that are a fit between the youth's PINS and adult life goals. Also identify areas that seemed to have some disconnect or where there is a gap between the youth's PINS and adult life goals.

Also on this form are our Guiding Questions List. Using the Guiding Questions List to facilitate a robust discussion will surface important assessment information, assessment questions and next steps.

Multi-Agency Planning Communication Tools

Discussing 'The Right Fit' can be a difficult conversation for team members. We want to ensure we are using effective strategies to navigate these conversations and meetings. 10 Characters You May Have Met in a Meeting and Communication Skills for Effective Facilitation tools can help facilitate a multi-agency team discussion where team members are coming to the table with different personal and agency perspectives on the youth. The Non-Verbal Communication resource has great guidance on those quiet team members, including the youth, to ensure team members are reading those non-verbal cues to help with Team cohesion and the productivity of meetings.
