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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Part Two: What is the plan the team will follow to address the assessment questions?

The plan identifies the team member(s) that will gather each piece of information, a timeline for collecting data and a date for the team to meet, discuss, compile and draw some conclusions from the additional information.

The Transition Assessment Plan should identify the following information.

  • Questions: Identify the Questions to explore with assessment. These questions are the result of the process followed by working through questions 1 - 4 of this AATA process tool. Revisit step four to review the questions generated by the team.
  • Tools and Methods: Identify the tools and methods to be used to address the question. Tools and methods must be the type of tool that will surface the targeted information needed. Additionally, the tools must be appropriate to the youth's profile of skills and abilities.
  • Who: Identify the team member or members assigned to gather transition assessment data and information. Remember, the entire team and others that know the youth well can help gather valid data.
  • When: When will it be collected? Commit to a date or deadline for the information to be gathered.
  • Results Shared: When will the assessment results be reported to the team? Set a date for the team to review, analyze and summarize the assessment results.
  • Draw Conclusions: What answers were discovered? How does this data inform the identified question? What actions (assessment, services, supports, referrals, etc) need to be taken?
