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Sensory-Friendly Morning at the Ohio State Fair

Join us Thursday, July 24, 2025 from 10 a.m. - 1 p.m.

We've turned down the lights and volume to make the Ohio State Fair more sensory-friendly in partnership with OCALI.

  • Ride the rides with no flashing lights or music.
  • Visit the Fair's many educational and sensory activities in the morning with fewer crowds.
  • Take a break in Natural Resources Park or our soothing Quiet Room.
  • Review Ohio State Fair's Accessibility Guide
  • General Fair Information

"We want every Ohioan to feel welcome at the Ohio State Fair. Sensory Friendly Morning began as an idea to simply turn the lights and sounds in the midway down and it has blossomed into so much more. Every year we try to identify more ways to make the fair even more welcoming to all - and we are so proud of how far we have come on this journey with the partnership of OCALI and Ohio state agency partners. We have more work to do, but we are making progress, and with each step we allow more Ohioans to positively experience the fair and all it has to offer!"

Video: 2023 Ohio State Fair Highlights

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Support Your Visit

OCALI Quiet Room

If you need some quiet time or a break from exploring Fair activities during the Sensory-Friendly Morning, stop by the OCALI Quiet Room. The air-conditioned Quiet Room is located in a designated trailer on the southeastern side of Central Park - Look for the Q symbol on the Ohio State Fair map. With sensory items, and comfortable seating, it provides a space for quick sensory relief.

Ohio Department of Natural Resources Park

Enjoy the shade and peaceful surrounding in the beautiful eight-acre park. Opened from 9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., this space offers a naturally quiet space with several sensory-friendly activities provided during the Sensory-Friendly Morning and each day of the Ohio State Fair.

Butterfly on some flowers

Social Narratives

Social narratives provide a story to describe a social situation supporting learners with socially appropriate responses and strategies to regulate their behaviors. We have prepared one to support a visit at the Ohio State Fair or learn more about Social Narrative strategies to create one.

First-Then Board

A simple visual schedule to support individuals moving from a less-desired activity to a more preferred one. The First-Then board can include words, pictures or icons. Learn more about First-Then Boards and download a blank template to use with your own words, photos, or icons.

Wait Card / Turn-Taking Support

Waiting is a very abstract concept for individuals on the autism spectrum. How long do I wait? Where do I wait? A wait card can provide a visual to support an individual while waiting in line for a ride, a game, food, or to pet the animals. Check out examples of Wait Cards to take to the Fair.

For more interventions to support all learners, including those with autism spectrum disorder, please visit the Autism Center Grab and Go Resource Gallery Interventions.









"At OCALI, we believe this partnership with the Ohio Expositions Commission and Ohio State Fair is truly putting the concept of 'Access + Belonging = Community' into action. Since this concept started in 2019, it has evolved to not just be about one singular day, but about being thoughtful about planning for the future of the state fair so that every Ohioan has the opportunity to be welcomed at our great Ohio State Fair and be comfortable being there to enjoy it!"

Inspiring Change Graphic

A Day at the Fair: The First Sensory-Friendly Morning at the Ohio State Fair

Spend some time at the first ever Sensory-Friendly Morning held July 31, 2019 and learn more about what happens when you lower the lights and sounds and take additional steps toward creating a sensory-friendly environment.

Listen to the Podcast

Making Fairs More Accessible

In January 2020, OCALI and the Ohio State Fair shared their experience with planning the first Sensory-Friendly Morning with fair staff across the state at the 95th Ohio Fair Managers Association Convention. Presenters also offered information about sensory processing and how to provide an environment that accommodates sensory differences, as well as discussed tools and resources, including a checklist of things to consider, to support hosting sensory-friendly events in communities across Ohio.

The Cardinal Gate Banner

More about OCALI

OCALI is a recognized global leader in creating and connecting resources and relationships to ensure that people with disabilities have the opportunity to live their best lives for their whole lives. As a trusted source, OCALI enhances, develops and promotes world-class resources to effectively equip anyone who cares for, supports, educates, employs, or works with people with disabilities across the lifespan.

*Photos courtesy of the Ohio State Fair.

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