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Transition Planning and the IEP

Adult Service Eligibility and the Youth with ASD

High school may be a structured, familiar, protected environment where a student with ASD is able to function with supports developed over a number of years with familiar people and accommodations. Yet, this same student may not be prepared for the challenges of adulthood where supports are not mandated at the level provided in schools. After leaving high school, these issues can become barriers to successful employment or postsecondary education settings if support is not continued through the adult service system. However, accessing the services and supports from agencies such as DODD or OOD can only occur when one is deemed eligible through the processes of each agency.

In some situations, individuals with ASD may have difficulty qualifying for agency services, such as those provided by  DODD or OOD.

This may occur when:

  • Strengths hide challenges - Student strengths overshadow or mask the type or level of need that will require for support

  • Challenges hide strengths - Challenges are perceived as overwhelming barriers that will prevent meaningful employment or community participation

Accurate and timely assessment to determine eligibility to adult services can help bridge the gap from the high school support plan to the adult support systems. Provide clear documentation and data about the student's strengths and needs. It is most important for data to connect the student's strengths and needs to employment, continued education and/or adult living. In order to be eligible and receive support and service from adult agencies, the identified need must correspond with a service to achieve the desired adult outcome. Do not simply assume a diagnosis or disability label will result in service or support.

Entitlement vs. Eligibility

Remember: All students are entitled to a free and appropriate public education. However, all adults are not entitled to receive service and support from agencies. As an adult, one must be eligible for services based on an established criteria.