Transition Planning and the IEP
Case Studies: Adult Service Agencies and Providers
Each case study offers a few ideas of the agencies, organizations or others that might be invited and connected to the transition planning team. These suggestions are not an exhaustive list, but highlight potential team members that could assist in the process, bring valuable insights and connect current learning and experiences to desired adult outcomes.

Robert's vision is to live independently and work part-time in the community and attend adult education classes. Agencies, organizations or individuals that Robert's team may consider inviting to the transition planning team include:
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
Adult educational program in automotives
Manager of automotive business
Job and Family Services representative

Antonio's postsecondary goals include attendance at a four-year college and then working in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment.
Agencies, organizations or individuals that Antonio's team may consider inviting to the transition planning team include:
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
College disability services representative
Mentors from field of interest
Private therapist working with Antonio

Carla's vision for the future includes part-time employment in a community setting with supports (on-the-job training). She plans to move to a supported residential home and will need continued training in independent living skills.
Agencies, organizations or individuals that Carla's team may consider inviting to the transition planning team include:
County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Service and Support administrator
Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)
Potential employers
Potential residential support providers
Potential customized employment job developers/job trainers
Social Security Administration representative
Private therapist working with Carla