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Transition Planning and the IEP


Meet Antonio

Antonio is a youth who plans to enter a four year university following high school. He has several areas of great interest and skill. Antonio has been a strong academic student for all his school career. However, he struggles with the social aspects of school and community environments. These social challenges as well as difficulties with handwriting and organization have resulted in eligibility for the services of an IEP. Antonio's family includes his mother, father, and two younger twin brothers. Antonio was diagnosed with Asperger Syndrome at age 7.

Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments (AATA)

Antonio always knew he wanted to go to college. Both of his parents attended college and have always had the vision of Antonio graduating from college. Although Antonio has several areas of interest and academic strength (i.e., math and all sciences, especially chemistry), he is not sure where he wants to concentrate his studies in college. More information is also needed about the independent living skills, social skills and problem solving skills he will need to successfully navigate a college campus. Finally, accommodations for college courses need to be identified in order that Antonio can select a college that fits his needs. Antonio's ongoing Age Appropriate Transition Assessments include:

  • Review current academic and functional skills data and summarize the information in relation to the implications to academic requirements for college, work environments and independent living

  • Exploration of colleges and universities via web sites, phone conversations and several onsite visits

  • Visiting the Special services department at a variety of colleges to learn what accommodations can be offered that match Antonio high school accommodations

  • Checklist of accommodations for student when visiting college

  • Career interests surveys

  • Auditing a college class near his home

  • Shadowing/visiting individuals in both math and science careers

  • Observations by teachers and parents related to social interactions and problem solving

  • Interviews with Antonio and self-assessment of skills

  • Employability life skills assessment with a focus on the skills that reflect the "hidden curriculum' of the workplace and school

  • Identification of current accommodations provided to Antonio in his academic classes

  • AIR Self-Determination Assessment

  • SAT practice tests and formal SAT testing

Future Planning

Antonio has been thinking about life after high school for many years. He is anxious to move into an adult world where he believes his intelligence will be respected by his college professors. "Antonio is committed to attending a university to study math or chemistry following graduation from high school. He plans to pursue a career in a field such as chemical engineering where he could work in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. At college he would like to live in a dorm in a private room. He would like to connect with a social circle of a few friends that who similar interests. Following college, he hopes to locate employment that is within several hours from his family home, although he plans to live in his own apartment.'

Postsecondary Goals

Employment: After high school and college graduation, Antonio will work full-time in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals.

Education: After high school graduation, Antonio will attend a four-year university to study math and/or science to prepare for his desired employment.

Independent Living: After high school and when he attends college, Antonio will live in the dorm in a private room. Antonio's goals suggest that his IEP needs to focus on:

  • Researching, selecting and applying to a university
  • Living in shared space (even if he is in a private room)
  • Problem solving daily issues such as scheduling study time, making meal selections and dealing with schedule changes, etc.
  • Learning to advocate for necessary accommodations in university classes

Course of Study

Overview of postsecondary goals:

"After high school and college graduation, Antonio will attend a four-year college and then work in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment."

Course of Study

In order to achieve his dream of college, employment and adult living, Antonio's course of study needs to include:

  • A rigorous academic preparation
  • Specialized instruction in targeted areas of daily planning, problem solving, safety and social competencies
  • Self-determination instruction and preparation to advocate for accommodations in college

Although Antonio's daily schedule in high school was quite heavy, the team was able to identify one class period where Antonio received instruction and assistance in the areas of specialized instruction that he required. All teachers were provided with information regarding the focus of this instruction for the week allowing them to reinforce the concepts of self-advocacy, problem solving, etc., within the context of the general curriculum.

Determine the Extent and Type of Transition Services Needed

Overview of postsecondary goals:

"After high school and college graduation, Antonio will attend a four-year college and then work in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorms and then independently in his own apartment."

Antonio's team determined that his transition services should include experiences that provide additional assessment as well as improve his skills related to his adult goals.

Transition Services


  • Community experiences/shadowing of chemical engineer to confirm career direction.


  • Related service for an assistive technology assessment related to accommodations for college courses, community experiences visiting campuses.

Independent Living:

  • Community experiences visiting dorms and planning an overnight experience.

Adult Service Agencies and Providers

Antonio's postsecondary goals include attendance at a four-year college and then working in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment.

Agencies, organizations or individuals that Antonio's team may consider inviting to the transition planning team include:

  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)

  • College disability services representative

  • Mentors from field of interest

  • Private therapist working with Antonio

Annual Goals and Adult Outcomes

Antonio's postsecondary goals include attendance at a four-year college and then working in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals. He plans to live in the dorm and then independently in his own apartment.

Annual IEP goals that may support this vision include:

  • Independent Living and Postsecondary Education: Antonio will independently organize his weekly calendar to successfully include time for class, studying, homework and leisure activities

  • Employment and Postsecondary Education: Given situations that occur on the job and in the classroom, Antonio will identify the expected employee-employer and student-professor interactions and how to correct the errors

Considerations for SOP

As Robert exited high school, his Summary of Performance included (but was not limited to) the following information:

  • Robert is able to work 35 minutes on a vocational assignment given a visual checklist of each step. He will need this same type of support in his job and vocational programs

  • While Robert's ability to complete homework has improved, he still requires reminders from adults in the home to remember to check the assignments and review the quality of his work. Robert should continue work on developing independence in this area. However, until that time, a support person should be identified to help remind/prompt him to check for completion and quality of assignments.

  • Robert is able to identify and correct unsafe community situations such as fire, use of equipment and securing a house or apartment. However, Robert does not always recognize dangerous situations involving people's intentions (such as people asking for money). He will need continued mentoring in this area.