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Transition Planning and the IEP


Meet Carla

Carla is a young lady who found her interest early in life, music! Everyone who knows Carla knows that music is part of her connection to the world around her. Carla struggles in many areas of independent living and academics. She has received specialized instruction, therapies and supports through an IEP since she was in preschool. Although she attends several general education classes, she requires specialized instruction in alternate environments. Carla's family includes her mother and father (although they are divorced), an older sister and an older brother. Carla was diagnosed with autism and intellectual disability at the age of 2-1/2.

Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments (AATA)

Carla has always known that a day without music will not be a day of her life! This information alone was a place to begin AATA. The team needs to know how to incorporate music in her adult life in terms of employment, independent living and to support adult learning. Although Carla's skills have been assessed throughout her educational career, the team has to now consider those assessments in light of her adult life and the skills she will need to be as independent as possible, to be employed and to continue to learn. Carla's ongoing Age-Appropriate Transition Assessments include:

  • Interview and checklists completed by Carla's family and teachers about her skills, interests, needs and supports related to daily living, leisure activities, independent living skills and socialization/communication

  • Observations of Carla's social, communication and problem-solving skills in multiple settings such as classroom, restaurants, stores, home, fitness center, etc., and reflecting on the current level of these skills and how they compare to the skill level that she will need as an adult

  • Observation of the extent to which Carla is able to apply her academic skills in multiple environments (home, school, community)

  • Results of a variety of community-based work experiences to determine areas of interest and skill

  • Identification of employment, educational and leisure opportunities that can include and build on her interest in music

  • Incorporating the information that was derived from Charting the LifeCourse tools and process.

Future Planning

Carla's family helped the IEP team craft a vision that they knew reflected what made Carla happy and fulfilled. "Carla and her family want her to have the opportunity to do meaningful work in their local community, with the necessary supports. This work needs to be in a structured and predictable setting, but does not have to be the same every day. She will do best in settings that allow her to move frequently, will allow her to use her hands, involve music and have limited interactions with an ever-changing customer base. Carla will live in the family home immediately after high school. However, the vision is for Carla to move to a supported residential setting that suits her needs in terms of personal space, trained support staff, structure, daily leisure activities and access to the community. This move will need to occur soon after high school as the family is concerned they will not be able to offer the necessary support in the family home for Carla as an adult. Carla will continue to learn new skills as an adult. She will need on-the-job training in her employment and individual instruction to learn new daily living and leisure skills.'

Postsecondary Goals

Employment: Following high school, Carla will work part-time in a community setting with limited customer traffic doing jobs of her interest and skill with necessary daily supports.

Education: After high school, Carla will participate in on-the-job training to learn the specific components of her employment and will also participate in individual instruction in daily living skills to extend her independence when possible

Independent Living: Immediately following high school, Carla will continue to live in the family home until a small supported residential setting is available. Carla's goals suggest that her IEP needs to focus on:

  • Identifying the features of a successful employment environment
  • Connecting to adult service agencies for employment and residential support
  • Meaningful academic and community experiences to broaden her exposure to options
  • Applying academic and daily living skills to authentic settings that reflect what her life will be after graduation

Course of Study

Overview of postsecondary goals:

"Following high school, Carla will work part-time in a community setting with support in an area of interest and skill. She will receive on-the-job training for her employment and also instruction in daily living skills. She plans to move from the family home to a supported residential home when the appropriate supported and individualized setting is available."

Course of Study

In order to achieve an adult life that reflects quality and individualization, Carla's course of study needs to include:

  • Applied academics in authentic community settings
  • Work experiences in multiple community environments
  • Instruction in daily living skills that align with activities in her home and future residential environment

Determine the Extent and Type of Transition Services Needed

Overview of postsecondary goals:

"Following high school, Carla will work part-time in a community setting with support in an area of interest and skill. She will receive on-the-job training for her employment and also instruction in daily living skills. She plans to move from the family home to a supported residential home when the appropriate supported and individualized setting is available. During planning, the team determined the need for more information related to how well Carla was able to use her skills in the community and potential supports or accommodations she could use in adult life.

Transition Services


  • Assistance to access and create an Ohio Means Jobs backpack and to select and navigate through surveys and information to identify interests, skills and preferences related to employment

  • Community work experiences in areas of interest and potential work/volunteer opportunities

  • Functional vocational assessment

  • Assistive technology assessment


  • On-the-job instruction in community work experiences.

Independent Living:

  • Life skills instruction

  • Community experiences in residential and leisure opportunities to assess future needs

Adult Service Agencies and Providers

Carla's vision for the future includes part-time employment in a community setting with supports (on-the-job training). She plans to move to a supported residential home and will need continued training in independent living skills.

Agencies, organizations or individuals that Carla's team may consider inviting to the transition planning team include:

  • County Board of Developmental Disabilities, Service and Support administrator

  • Opportunities for Ohioans with Disabilities (OOD)

  • Potential employers

  • Potential residential support providers

  • Potential customized employment job developers/job trainers

  • Social Security Administration representative

  • Private therapist working with Carla

Annual Goals and Adult Outcomes

Carla's vision for the future includes part time employment in a community setting with supports (on-the-job training). She plans to move to a supported residential home and will need continued training in independent living skills.

Annual IEP goals that may support this vision include:

  • Employment: Given job coach and environmental supports, Carla will complete vocational tasks in school environments such as office, library, teachers' lounge

  • Independent Living: Carla will follow a visual schedule to safely prepare and clean up a meal (lunch) using tools such as microwave, knife, refrigerator, water, cleaning fluids, etc.

  • Employment: Carla will use coping skills and strategies (example: 5-Point Scale) to manage anxiety when corrected by teacher, aide or job coach.

Considerations for SOP

As Carla exited high school, her Summary of Performance included (but was not limited to) the following information:

  • Carla has shown skill and interest in the areas of clerical work. She has improved her independent work skills using a variety of strategies, especially visual schedules and checklists (with the iPad) and video modeling.

  • Carla uses the same visual supports in the home to complete tasks. It will be necessary to continue these supports throughout her adult life and across environments.

  • Carla's coping skills for situations that occur frequently has improved using video modeling and the 5-Point Scale. However, she is less successful coping in novel situations that cause anxiety. Additional strategies should be explored to help her regulate her emotions in these situations.