Transition Planning and the IEP
Case Studies: Postsecondary Goals
Each case study provides examples of postsecondary goals for postsecondary employment, education/training, and independent living. Although students with strong academic skills such as Antonio often do not have independent living goals, that should not be assumed. Many talented and skilled individuals with ASD often need services and supports to prepare for adult daily living and some may continue to need support while successful as an employee and productive community member.

Employment: Following graduation from high school, Robert will work part-time in a body shop making car repairs
Education: Following graduation from high school, Robert will take classes at the Eastland adult education program in areas related to his interests, such as small engine repair, locating the right apartment and meal preparation
Independent Living: Immediately following graduation from high school, Robert will live in the family home taking on more responsibilities to prepare for his move to his own apartment
Robert's goals suggest that his IEP needs to focus on:
- Working without a job coach being present each day
- Being able to participate in an adult education class
- Completing daily living skills such as home safety, cleaning, laundry, nutritional meals, etc.

Employment: After high school and college graduation, Antonio will work full-time in the field of aerospace engineering, plastics and polymer manufacturing or pharmaceuticals.
Education: After high school graduation, Antonio will attend a four-year university to study math and/or science to prepare for his desired employment.
Independent Living: After high school and when he attends college, Antonio will live in the dorm in a private room. Antonio's goals suggest that his IEP needs to focus on:
- Researching, selecting and applying to a university
- Living in shared space (even if he is in a private room)
- Problem solving daily issues such as scheduling study time, making meal selections and dealing with schedule changes, etc.
- Learning to advocate for necessary accommodations in university classes

Employment: Following high school, Carla will work part-time in a community setting with limited customer traffic doing jobs of her interest and skill with necessary daily supports.
Education: After high school, Carla will participate in on-the-job training to learn the specific components of her employment and will also participate in individual instruction in daily living skills to extend her independence when possible
Independent Living: Immediately following high school, Carla will continue to live in the family home until a small supported residential setting is available. Carla's goals suggest that her IEP needs to focus on:
- Identifying the features of a successful employment environment
- Connecting to adult service agencies for employment and residential support
- Meaningful academic and community experiences to broaden her exposure to options
- Applying academic and daily living skills to authentic settings that reflect what her life will be after graduation