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Transition Planning and the IEP

Resource Links for Element Three

Guideposts for Success

This framework assists transition teams to meet the needs and improve the transition outcomes of all youth including youth with disabilities and to create necessary community webs of support.

Guiding Your Success Tool

The Guiding Your Success Tool is a companion workbook for youth covering each of the five Guideposts for Success elements. Youth can work on this tool by themselves, with peers, or with an adult.

Occupational Information Network - O*Net Online

Contains employment outlooks, wage and trend reports, labor market information by state, career tools, and additional resources to consider when developing postsecondary goals.

Ohio Means Jobs

Offers students a variety of tools that can be used to guide development of postsecondary employment goals and prepare for the workforce. The tools span from practice interviews to assessments on possible careers.

Transition Goals in the IEP

The Center for Parent Information and Resources takes a close look at the kind of information to include in a student's IEP as part of transition postsecondary goals.

Writing Measurable Postsecondary Goals Module

This free video module reviews basic considerations for writing postsecondary goals