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UDL In the News

2017 Archive

In KQED News, author Katrina Schwartz reports on John Hattie's new thoughts, How Do You Know When A Teaching Strategy Is Most Effective?

In this article, John Hattie and his research partner Gregory Donoghue discuss the model they have developed on why different strategies may be effective at different stages of the learning cycle. They discuss items such as skill, will and thrill as well as surface learning and in-depth learning.

Hattie and Donoghue state "When students understand how they will be evaluated they can also self-evaluate more effectively, a metacognitive skill that can help students become more independent learners." In other words, students need to know the power standard as well as the goal and end product to be achieved.

As you read the article think about the UDL Principles, Guidelines, and Checkpoints and where they fit?

Embrace Learner Variability

Elizabeth Hartman in a SWIFT blog post, discusses learner variability. She challenges us to think about student's variability instead of their similarities while reframing our thinking of students, especially those with severe disabilities.

"I found the answer in the Universal Design for Learning (UDL) framework and its fundamental premise of learner variability" stated Hartman.