2016 Archive
How Do We Measure Social and Emotional Learning?
This short article by Maurice J. Elia for Edutopia invites us all to think about assessing social emotional learning in ways that are aligned with theory, research and practical utility. Included in this article is a downloadable tool that allows you to analyze your own report card's comment section.
Link to full article here.
How shifting to a UDL mindset enhances Common Core
This article discusses the importance of the UDL mindset and how it is "all". The author discusses the importance of working together collaboratively and why all teachers should be working together no-matter their title.
Link to full article here.
P.K. Yonge teacher uses various methods to help students learn
The following article is how one teacher incorporates Universal Design for Learning into his classroom. This teacher in Florida uses UDL to remove barriers by offering choice.
Link to full article here.
ESSA Spotlights Strategy to Reach Diverse Learners
Education Week on February 23, 2016 published an article on Universal Design for Learning titled "ESSA Spotlights Strategy to Reach Diverse Learners". The author discusses how Universal Design for Learning is sprinkled throughout "Every Student Succeeds Act". The author also discusses the National UDL Task Force and interviews Sean J. Smith a professor at the University of Kansas. The author ends with a discussion with George Van Horn from Bartholomew in Indiana.
Link to full article here.
5 Effective Strategies for the Inclusive Classroom
California resource specialist Kristin Vogel offers five tips for successfully teaching students with disabilities in inclusive classrooms. Among her suggestions -- which would benefit all students in the class -- are incorporating Universal Design for Learning into lessons and teaching life skills, such as study and organizational skills...
Link to full article here.
Source: SmartBrief, January 6, 2016