2015 Archive
Accelerating Access to the Curriculum
The article discusses how teachers and schools can effectively reach and engage a broader range of learners through Universal Design for Learning. Furthermore the article supports variability in the classroom through the redesigning of curriculum and materials which enhances accessibility and flexibility.
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Sparking Up Lessons With Universal Design for Learning (UDL)
Elizabeth Stein discusses the importance of looking at lesson plans through a Universal Design for Learning (UDL) lens. The author points out how exciting and engaging the lessons can be for the students and teachers. Elizabeth gives teachers strategies for the affective, recognition and strategic Networks.
Elizabeth is a teacher/UDL instructional coach and along with Mindy Johnson, Ron Rogers, Katie Novak and Kit Hard created the #udlchat.
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Katie Novak says "Intentional design allows students of all variabilities to access rigorous, authentic learning experiences in an inclusive classroom. It differs from differentiated instruction in that the focus of UDL is engaging and empowering all students to self-regulate and personalize their learning." To find out how UDL and Personalized learning looks and sounds in the classroom check out the rest of the story.
Katie Novak is the Asst. Superintendent at Groton-Dunstable Regional School District in Groton, Mass.
When the Classroom Feels Hostile
How stigma, stereotype, and labels can affect kids with learning disabilities
An article on stigma, stereotyping and labels can affect our kids and why Universal Design for Learning should be part of the conversation.
A New Approach to Designing Educational Technology
Published by SWIFT (School-wide Integrated Framework For Transformation)
Keeping in mind possibly the biggest learning disability is an emotional one CAST has set out to help classrooms even more. CAST discusses reading and why it's so important to have confidence. He even discusses their new tool Udio.
Read the article here
Designing Educational Technology
David Rose and his team at CAST have "concluded that the most pervasive learning disability in schools, and the No. 1 challenge for UDL, isn't physical or cognitive, it's emotional - turning around the kids who are turned off by school." To address this need, they have developed a tool called Udio. According to Rose, "Udio, like all UDL tools, aims to maximize engagement for all learners, not just those 'on the margins'."
Read the article here
Universal Design for Learning Implementation Research Network a Blueprint for UDL: Considering the Design for Implementation
January 13, 2014
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Why ask "Why'?
Published by SWIFT (School-wide Integrated Framework For Transformation)
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Building Better Curriculum Through Universal Design for Learning
Published by BC Campus
Read the article here