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Unit Planning


Unit plans take time to develop, but once completed the unit design or the unit template can be reused again and again. Saving each unit in digital format is important for editing and later use. Sharing your units across the school building, district, or with those servicing students of similar age and grade can ensure that students have access to the content they need. The unit examples provided here showcase the organization of a unit and elements within a fully developed unit of study.

Sample Unit Plans
The documents linked below provide a sampling of completed unit-planning templates. The unit planning template is structured as a table and lists the standards in the first few pages (science, social studies, English/language arts, etc.) followed by global activities aligned with the selected standards for the unit. These samples were designed for a variety of grade level(s) and contain both general and extended standards. When you select one of these samples for use, the unit plan is followed by the development of tiered plans that align with each activity and teach and assess all of the standards selected for this unit over a month (give or take) of instruction. Please see the section on Tiered Planning to design Tiered Lesson that provide detailed supports for learners in your class.

Ohio and the US - Goods and services Grades 4 & 5
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Sample Unit Plan on Early Civilization for Grades 6-8
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Sample Unit Plan on Automobiles Then and Now (HS)
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Sample Unit Plan on Financial Planning and Budgeting (HS Financial Literacy and Mathematics emphasis)
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Sample Unit Plan on Rocks and Minerals (Grade 6)
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Sample Unit Plan on Diversity and Building Independence: Organisms and Classification (HS Biology emphasis)
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Three-Year Planning
Having planning templates is wonderful, but it is even better to have samples of what these templates look like in their completed state. This section provides samples of unit planning forms that have been completed by teachers in the field who are building their skills in planning for instruction. Remember planning is a continuous process not a product, so any of these samples can be revised, and probably have been since they were posted here.

Sample 3-Year Monthly Planning Form
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Sample 3-Year Theme-Based Planning Form
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Sample 3-Year Monthly Planning Form with Unit Details
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