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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Remember for Section 5 Goals

Section 5 of the IEP contains a goal section for "Independent Living". This does not mean a goal focusing on "where" a student will live, but rather what skills they may need to develop in order to live independently. That could mean independently at home with their parents without constant supervision so perhaps a goal about safety, dialing appropriate numbers, or identifying situations and the best response. An independent living goal could also focus on preparing their own meals, budgeting their finances, making and coordinating their healthcare appointments, or learning to drive or use public transportation.

Self-advocacy and self-determination skills are also vital skills for independent living. A student's goals could be to learn more about their disability and accommodations. These skills become important when entering the workforce and understanding what supports may be helpful for the youth to succeed, how a supervisor can best support the youth, or if the youth even wants to disclose their disability to their employer.

These are all components of independent living whether it be at home with family, with roommates, or by themselves in their own apartment. It is important to document these independent living goals for youth and ensure our transition assessment planning includes helping youth build the skills to reach them.

Daily Life & Employment

What a person does as part of everyday life-school, employment, volunteering, communication, routines, life skills.

Community Living

Where and how someone lives - housing and living options, community access, transportation, home adaptations and modifications.

Healthy Living

Managing and accessing health care and staying well - medical, mental health, behavioral health, developmental, wellness and nutrition.

Safety & Security

Staying safe and secure - emergencies, well-being, guardianship options, legal rights and issues.

Social & Spirituality

Building friendships and relationships, leisure activities, personal networks, and faith community.

Advocacy & Engagement

Building valued roles, making choices, setting goals, assuming responsibility and driving how one's own life is lived.

You can find this image and other helpful tools at Exploring the Life Domains

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