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Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide

Some Tools to Consider When Building a Youth's Profile

Youth Profile: Where is the Youth Presently?

Four square graphic organizer to help understand the youth's PINS at this current time. Pg 13 of the Transition Planning Guide

Career Discovery Tools

Pg 8-11 have an extensive and comprehensive profile tool that can be used to help paint a complete picture of the student

Vocational Planning Tool

Teams have used this tool in order to identify all the different skills, settings, needs, supports, and other details about a student's readiness for employment. These different domains can be used as a conversation starter with team members to discuss the student's PINS and then documented on the Youth Profile four square graphic.

Charting the Life Course

Charting the LifeCourse tools are available to download individually, or as part of a portfolio that also includes a one-page profile of the student to help summarize preferences, interests, needs and strengths/skills.

Ohio State University - Promoting Self-Awareness Guide

Use this guide and prompts to help students and families identify youth's PINS and/or career goals.  While the guide is targeted for middle school students, it can be helpful for students of any age starting their self-awareness and/or career pathway conversations

A Process for Facilitating Multi-Agency Transition Planning

This guide includes another example of a completed Youth Profile square on page 8.

Person Centered Planning

Person-Centered Planning is an ongoing problem-solving process used to help people with disabilities plan for their future. Visit the PACER Center's webpage on Person Centered Planning for additional information, tools, and resources.
