Age-Appropriate Transition Assessment Planning Guide
What Do We Already Know About the Youth?
Prior to gathering new or additional transition assessment information, the team organizes what is already known about the youth (Question One from planning process), as it relates to his/her adult life plans, into a Youth Profile. Team members, including the youth and family, contribute additional information to the Youth Profile.

*Be sure to include any and all team members who support the student. Use our 'Identifying Potential Team Members' Checklist and your subsequent Team Roster discussed in our Introduction.
Remember, not all transition assessment is a formal assessment with specific questions. These additional team members may have informal transition assessment data about the youth related to skills needed for adult life like following multi-step directions, staying on task, and conditions for success that help the youth (i.e. priming before moving to the next activity). We often forget to seek out information about how or why a student is successful in different settings and may be missing some important transition assessment data to share with the team - for current and future support staff.