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Strategies for Employment Success for ASD - Sensory

Gustatory (Taste) System

The Gustatory System includes sensations produced when a substance in the mouth reacts chemically with taste receptor cells located on taste buds in the oral cavity, mostly on the tongue. This system partners with the sense of smell to perceive flavors.

Characteristics of Gustatory Sensitivities

  • Might prefer stronger flavors such as spicy, salty, or sour
  • Restricted diet. Limits food choices to specific types of foods.
  • Prefers food to be cold or room temperature (avoids warm/hot foods)
  • May engage in pica behavior (eating non-edibles)

Strategies to Address Challenges

  • Consider if food preferences could be due to sensitivities with taste, texture or color of the food
  • Offer preferred condiments on new food options to expand diet.
  • In some rare situations, an individual may engage in pica behavior (eats non-edibles). In those situations, scan the
  • environment for items that might pose a concern (example- cigarette butts)

Considerations for Employment:

While every individual is unique and no one aspect of the individual's strengths or challenges can determine the right employment options, it is critical not to assume individuals with ASD cannot succeed in many environments. In some situations, the difference may actually be the factor that leads to unique employment opportunities. Employment examples below are offered as a way to think differently about the potential of individuals with ASD.

  • Select paired food arrangements for group events- considering, texture, color, and temperature of food.
  • Develop innovative solutions and substances for medications for those with taste sensitivities.
  • Taste Tester